Our society has produced software teams that produce highly reliable software (space shuttle, banking technology, and embedded systems) that don't leave room for a great deal of speed it innovation. Let's call them Type 1 teams.
We've also produced "move fast and break stuff" software organizations, who have realized moving fast and failing is a better financial outcome than safely arriving at a suboptimal destination (Facebook, Twitter, tons of startups). Let's call them Type 2 teams.
Neither Type 1 nor Type 2 teams are Bad or Evil. They are simply suited to different applications. What happened here is, an organization that was unable to distinguish between these types of teams hired a Type 2 team for a Type 1 job.
Agreed. It's really more of a gradient. Regardless, the problem is not where a team lies on the gradient, but where a team lies in relation to the fundamental needs of the problem to be solved.
We've also produced "move fast and break stuff" software organizations, who have realized moving fast and failing is a better financial outcome than safely arriving at a suboptimal destination (Facebook, Twitter, tons of startups). Let's call them Type 2 teams.
Neither Type 1 nor Type 2 teams are Bad or Evil. They are simply suited to different applications. What happened here is, an organization that was unable to distinguish between these types of teams hired a Type 2 team for a Type 1 job.
Generalized example, usual caveats apply.