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Hub was created by Chris Wanstrath, one of the original GitHub founders, so it's not surprising there's no reference to it. There's a damnatio memoriae of GitHub's founders and founding story because of certain subcultures that were fostered there by the people they chose to hire.

So dumb, these are the people who literally created GitHub, show them the damn respect they deserve. `hub` (a tool I use to this day) is clearly the predecessor to this official CLI.

No disrespect to hub whatsoever, and it helped inspire much of how we've thought about `gh`. We're fans of hub too and just decided to take this in a bit different direction.

Could you elaborate, or at least spill the tea?

Circa 2014 there was a big blowup of allegations centering around then-CEO Tom Preston-Werner and his wife (not an employee, but worked at the office). Tom resigned as a result.

I don't know why Wanstrath would be excised from collective history though - he was founding CEO (2008-2012) and stepped in again after Tom (2014-2017). Wikipedia says he's now a technical fellow at MS since the acquisition.

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