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> It's about challenging more than a century of U.S. wildlife management.

Sounds like maybe said ecologists and biologist were part of the original problem?

It certainly was an issue, folks didn't understand then.

But today I doubt you'd find many ecologists argue you should remove a native species wholesale outside some very strange situations.

Like all science you take the mistakes, learn, and keep doing better.

Wildlife management is a direct consequence of environmental laws. Laws are created (normally) by Politicians. The majority of american politicians with any relevance in the last 100 years supported fire weapons, therefore hunting (because weapons were created to allow good citizens to hunt vermins and game. Aren't they?). I assume that for a politician in US, to reject weapons in public 50 years ago would have been social suicide.

Ecologists and biologists did what were allowed by the current laws to do, and what were hired to do. Not more, not less. There are around 22 american people trying to save the last 15 american vaquitas or so. Their ships are shooted and harassed rutinely for removing illegal nets.

When the animal will go extinct in a few years, we all will see how some people still blame on they. I'm 100% sure of that.

Wow, those must be some super old ecologists and biologists if they were the same people!

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