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How do you earn so much money? I didn't think that starting a startup brought you so much money. Of course, getting clients is not an easy task, but at the same time, I see that they are the businesses that attract more customers.

Since when is $4k MRR a lot of money? They are off to a great start, but that is far from making it.

Agreed, and given available data from Baremetrics, that's actually quite a bit above average:


On average it takes a company a year(ish) to hit $4kMRR.

EDIT: I mistakenly thought they launched on Oct 2019, but a comment further down puts launch at Dec 2018. Which means they're doing well but not spectacularly...which means they maybe should raise prices.

Or lower prices and expand the base??

From my view, their pricing is still mostly in the "sticky" area between free and the hassle of pulling out your wallet (or getting accounting) to pay for the service.

They are charging on average $12/mo - to a business with hundreds of thousands of visitors a month, that's sophisticated enough to consider tracking implications, etc. that's indistinguishable from a monetary point of view from $50/mo.

Not a lot of money for where Simple Analysis is based (Netherlands). A reasonably talented developer with a few years experience makes more than that, especially if you consider social security, pension etc being included in a typical job.

But a company has to start somewhere, if they keep up the growth it could get to significant revenue within this year.

Oh sorry, I am a developer but I forgot to take into account the cost of living too, in my country the minimum salary for a junior developer is 400 dollars, taking into account the cost of living, only the rent and basic services cover almost 3 / 4 of the salary. I don't know how the cost of living in the Netherlands will be, but in my country it is very expensive.

This is the big factor between locations. Rent for a two bedroom apartment in Amsterdam is 1500 euro/month. And income tax in the Netherlands is 40-52%. So a 4000 gross per month isn't much.

He only has 322 customers. Tech generally has good profit margins. The cost of hosting a server is cheap, and can usually accommodate up to millions of requests a second.

One of the risks of starting a start up is there is no demand for your service (among a million other factors for success).

You may have misstated this as commodity hardware is very capable these days but "millions of requests a second" is never cheap.

Hardware purchase is very expensive, but web hosting does not usually reach very high prices.

Check out https://indiehackers.com, there are a lot more startups making big money than you think. Specifically, this page: https://www.indiehackers.com/products?sorting=highest-revenu...

You definitely make a lot more money, some companies also surprised me with how quickly they make money after the first year.

Get to the front page of HN I guess?

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