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wow, trying to wrap my head around this thing. how does this exactly work?

Hmm: https://bitfs.network/about

This is an intellectual exercise, not a useful service. It's similar to those schemes for storing MP3 files in Google calendar entries, or whathaveyou.

The txn cost[1] to write any non trivial amount of data to the Bitcoin chain makes it a very expensive filesystem.

[1] around $0.06/byte

Except your Google calendar entries can't be monetized in perpetuity. Remember, every file put on chain is linked to a wallet address. Imagine creating a viral meme and getting fractions of a penny each time it was re-posted somewhere. That's where this is all headed.

The price for writing to BSV is currently 0.5 satoshi/byte. And some miners accept fees as low as 0.25 satoshi/byte.

At the current market price of BSV (USD 350) that is 0.00000175 USD/byte, or 0.001792 USD/KB.

It works by embedding data inside of transactions. Really next level stuff, check this out:


You can append a note to a bitcoin transaction, and that node could be a file. This app scrapes those files.

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