Nonsense. You can run nix on basically any linux system (not just NixOS) and macOS. Not just theoretically, I'm doing both and am not running NixOS itself at all ATM. It's also the only sane way to build docker images. Since nix itself of course runs fine inside docker, I suspect you should be able to build a docker image on Windows that way, too, but I haven't tried.
Also, even if you come up with a forward facing solution and demonstrate it only on a particular domain you still, IMO, deserve most of the credit for solving the problem even if it takes others to translate it straightforwardly to other domains.
In what way does docker on macOS interoperate better with the rest of the system than a nix package? I'm pretty sure the answer is going to be "none" – you can build native, including UI apps with nix (not that I recommend throwing away xcode for your app store development and switching to nix). How do you do that with docker?
I'm less sure about windows, can you explain a bit more how you use docker containers for providing "native" windows stuff (as opposed to as a more lightweight linux VM replacement when developing something that you really want to deploy on linux)?
Out of curiosity, why are you using docker containers on windows? For emulate static linking or to provide network/process isolation (and does docker under windows provide "proper" i.e. secure isolation?) or something else entirely?
Also, even if you come up with a forward facing solution and demonstrate it only on a particular domain you still, IMO, deserve most of the credit for solving the problem even if it takes others to translate it straightforwardly to other domains.