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You don’t typically include the entire toolchain in a container with docker because of the size. You also want to construct things a bit carefully so you get proper build caching, but it’s doable.

Here is an example of this pattern with Go:


    FROM xena/go:1.13.6 AS build
    ENV GOPROXY https://cache.greedo.xeserv.us
    COPY . /site
    WORKDIR /site
    RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -v ./...
    RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOBIN=/root go install -v ./cmd/site

    FROM xena/alpine
    EXPOSE 5000
    WORKDIR /site
    COPY --from=build /root/site .
    COPY ./static /site/static
    COPY ./templates /site/templates
    COPY ./blog /site/blog
    COPY ./talks /site/talks
    COPY ./gallery /site/gallery
    COPY ./css /site/css
    HEALTHCHECK CMD wget --spider || exit 1
    CMD ./site
As far as I understand, this is a multi-stage build.

Yes, but it goes to the trouble of making a static, dependency-free executable in the first stage, and then builds the second stage from alpine anyway.

Right, but how does that relate to OP?

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