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As a content strategist, I always advise my clients to pursue a hybrid approach. Some posts have to be purely SEO focused with heavily optimized content. Some should be focused on driving social shares. And some should simply talk to people like regular human beings, not search engine crawlers.

Even with minimal backlinking, this strategy has helped grow traffic from 10k to 250k

Agreed! For the most part, anyway. If you can create content that 1) can go viral or get a ton of shares, and 2) at the same time, be created with a specific keyword in mind, you'll get amazing results real fast.

Unfortunately, that's not really something you can do for a lot of industries or niches. But when it does work, it works!

Could you elaborate on the specific difference?

Think of these three articles:

1. How to Choose the Right Project Management Software

This is keyword focused - "project management software". Our only objective with this article is to rank for this keyword while also sharing useful advice for search users on how to go about choosing a project management tool.

2. 25 Project Management Experts Share Their Favorite PM Tips

This is (mostly) social sharing focused. If you were to ask 25 project management experts to share their tips, then tag their Twitter/Instagram/LinkedIn handles, there is a good chance a few of them at least will share it with their followers, thus driving shares.

3. How Project Management Can Help Small Startups Scale Faster

This doesn't focus on any specific keyword. Rather, it simply talks to startup founders about using project management principles.

This is a very rudimentary example but I hope you get the idea

Especially number 2 gave a new insight thank you!

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