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Get married and have kids.

Nothing will cure narcissism more effectively than holding a quivering, helpless newborn in your arms and realizing that you must keep this miracle alive.

This is really bad advice.

Worst advice in the thread.

I have to agree with this. Getting married has definitely forced me out of my shell. In general, getting involved in groups, e.g. religion, that is about more than self gratification gives me a broader perspective on life.

People with Narcissistic parents suffer. Their children are just tools to prop them and their ego up.

See r/raisedbynarcissists

Pushing a narc to have a family is a terrible idea.

Depends if the narc wants to change or not. If not, then most anything they do will be unhelpful.

I bet lots of folks with Narcissistic parents are happy to inform you otherwise.

You haven't met my mom.

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