I've read Accelerando and don't remember a major plot point that remotely looks like this. Perhaps are you thinking of one of the many secondary plot points.
First chapter; the lobsters are afraid of steganographic covert channels in the training data for their translator:
> Manfred drains his beer glass, sets it down, stands up, and begins to walk along the main road, phone glued to the side of his head. He wraps his throat mike around the cheap black plastic casing, pipes the input to a simple listener process. "Are you saying you taught yourself the language just so you could talk to me?"
> "Da, was easy: Spawn billion-node neural network, and download Teletubbies and Sesame Street at maximum speed. Pardon excuse entropy overlay of bad grammar: Am afraid of digital fingerprints steganographically masked into my-our tutorials."
I guess it would have only been a major plot point if the digital fingerprints had turned out to be present and had tripped some kind of monitoring system.