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Define "strong". I've never actually seen one.

They would rather sell them in bulk...to bulk buyers...for scale reasons. They average around 10% of the market. They were nukber three days n volume and two in revenue for a long time. Still float around that point



They exist on Newegg. You can buy one. I have one.

I have a few. For certain applications they're excellent.

For which applications would they be better than any other brand?

Datacentre-type applications where you need a relatively inexpensive server-grade drive.

For example, the P4610 is a great deal for a mixed-use drive.

My builds going back to 2011 have had Intel SSDs in them

Would your definition include "I've seen one"?

It's rather like proving a negative. If they were really popular, chances are I'd have seen one by now - but I haven't. That doesn't mean they aren't popular, but it reduces the odds.

The 660p SSDs are some of the best selling consumer SSDs on sites like Newegg. Here's their best selling list if you're curious: https://www.newegg.com/Internal-SSDs/SubCategory/ID-636?name...

Otherwise, Intel SSDs have quite a bit of share in the datacenter space. If you haven't seen them before, that's likely because you're not an enterprise customer.

You're right, I'm not an enterprise customer. Thanks for the Newegg link.

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