I did a similar Unix course. It was on quarter based system so it only lasted 3 months. We learned Unix from first principles. There were programming assignments that started off as shell scripts. We wrote manpages for our shell scripts. Then we learned C with the expectation you figure out the hard parts really really quickly (we were a Java school). We implemented various different C and Unix programs. We even reimplemented some of our shell scripts. We implemented a custom version of ls(1) with built-in sorting features.
In the last 3 weeks we built a full-blown Bourne shell in C including background jobs, shell/environment variables, pipelines, i/o redirection, lex/yacc parsing, etc. A lot of the features were extra credit (e.g. single pipeline a | b, versus infinite pipeline a | b | ...).
The class is unforgettable in my mind. I now mentally parse everything I do in the shell and imagine system call tracing every program I run.
In the last 3 weeks we built a full-blown Bourne shell in C including background jobs, shell/environment variables, pipelines, i/o redirection, lex/yacc parsing, etc. A lot of the features were extra credit (e.g. single pipeline a | b, versus infinite pipeline a | b | ...).
The class is unforgettable in my mind. I now mentally parse everything I do in the shell and imagine system call tracing every program I run.