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AFAIK, this Oracle "feature" is only true for columns marked as "not nullable". So if you attempt to insert an empty sting ("") into a not-nullable column, it will fail.

All other relational databases differentiate between empty strings and NULL.

Nah, it's true for all columns:

  SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Feb 3 15:56:30 2020
  Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
  Connected to:
  Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production
  SQL> create table foo(fook varchar2(10) not null);
  Table created.
  SQL> insert into foo values ('');
  insert into foo values ('')
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SPORTSBOOK_DOCK"."FOO"."FOOK")
  SQL> create table bar(bark varchar2(10));
  Table created.
  SQL> insert into bar values ('');
  1 row created.
  SQL> insert into bar values ('a');
  1 row created.
  SQL> insert into bar values (null);
  1 row created.
  SQL> select * from bar;
  SQL> select * from bar where bark = '';
  no rows selected

It is also true for nullable columns.

> if you attempt to insert an empty sting ("") into a not-nullable column, it will fail

Yes, because it will convert the empty string into a NULL, and fail to insert that NULL into a non-NULLable column.

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