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I don't know if it's mandatory, but I suspect "a lot of people" means "pretty much everyone" right now.

I see. So you wouldn't literally "stuck" right? You can still go out, it's not like martial law or something like that.

Some cities it is required right now (eg Guangzhou). I’m not sure about Beijing, but I could imagine them doing that. The problem is that in those same places face masks are sold out, and you’d have to go out and buy one even if they weren’t. Not only that, but given their scarcity people aren’t probably replacing their face masks as much as they should be, making them actually more unsanitary.

No one will shoot you if you go out without a face mask. However, people will think you are being rude, you might get a lot of stink eye.

I would not be surprised how quickly things might turn from "mandatory home quarantine strongly recommended" to "mandatory home quarantine enforced by military force". This is China after all. If you decide to stay, be prepared.

At this point this is just vacuous propaganda being repeated while adding very little of value. Give us some examples, why do you think this? While you are reconsidering your message, perhaps you can recognise why repeating the ideological messages of your own government overseas might not be the right move for humanity as a whole.

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