It is an important enough case that someone with money will probably help out. Of course, they might not, and then you're screwed.
My understanding is that Google bought YouTube mostly to avoid an underfunded YouTube in legal trouble having a bad precedent set.
If Facebook thought they could win against Google or Apple, they would have sent DMCA letters to Google and Apple for making web browsers and phone emulators with "developer tools" built in. But they know they'd lose, so they went after some random person on the Internet with no money.
My understanding is that Google bought YouTube mostly to avoid an underfunded YouTube in legal trouble having a bad precedent set.
If Facebook thought they could win against Google or Apple, they would have sent DMCA letters to Google and Apple for making web browsers and phone emulators with "developer tools" built in. But they know they'd lose, so they went after some random person on the Internet with no money.