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in doing so it leeches money from places it would be more useful and further enriches and entrenches defense contractors.

Just think, the US could have had universal free education.

But instead it has fighters that don't work.

Amazing how we always have money for the military industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry but never for new social programs.

or universal basic income...

An individual can pay for their own schooling, but it’s pretty hard for an individual to pay for national defense.

There is nothing in the F35 program preventing universal free education: free education does not cost anything (it is free), so the money spent on the program is not impacting it. /s

free education does not cost anything (it is free)

Do you maybe need a few minutes to actually think about that statement? Because it doesn't reflect well on your critical thinking capabilities...

It is sad when jokes needs to be explained.

It is sad when a jokes delivery is so bad no one gets it.

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