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It definitely is a competently managed program, as were the mirage programs.

However if you look at the a400m or eurofighter programs, you see delays and budget overruns. The issue lies in the spec creep by the funding parties of these programs. For example the french took deliveries of the first a400m because they needed the plane, but it could not drop parachutists in the first version !

Also note that the makers of these three products are completely different. The Rafale was helmed by Dassault, the A400M by former CASA (Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA in Spain, now part of Airbus) and the Typhoon by what I believe is a former part of British Aerospace (now also part of Airbus).

Airbus really is a collection of companies, so it can be hard to figure out exactly which part does what. I hope Dassault remains the project manager on the NGF, although in the end spec creep really is the biggest program killer...

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