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> No no no. That's not how probability works.

Pretty sure GP understands how probability works, maybe take a more charitable interpretation of their comment?

> Pretty sure GP understands how probability works, maybe take a more charitable interpretation of their comment?

There are many circumstances where I fully agree with charitable interpretation, but this is not one of them. In this case it's tantamount to saying that it's ok to mislead people because they should just know better. (especially in light of their reply)

If you are correct about what they understand, then I'd rather they were more charitable to the other people who don't already understand it by not writing things that are wrong and potentially dangerous. Someone out there is going to learn about this by googling, see 19 out of 20 people get it wrong, implement a system that relies on the majority false information, and then destroy the lives of a bunch of innocent people. It may not be someone you know, and it may not impact your neighbors, but it happens _all_ the time. I care about the harm of spreading misinformation, and I think you should as well.

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