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Same here. I still remember that fiasco wih Lenovo malware reinstalling itself even after a clean Windows reinstall. How does a company expect not to lose all trust with a stunt like that?

That's relying on a Windows misfeature. Ubuntu is not going to pull crap from the firmware after a clean reinstall, but Windows does just that.

The issue here is that Lenovo has a history of unethical behavior towards its customers, not that a specific unethical behavior only targeted Windows.

I'm a huge thinkpad fan, but I won't be buying another one due to privacy and security concerns, and simply not trusting Lenovo.

I think it would be more fair to say that Lenovo's IdeaPad division had this unethical behavior. ThinkPad is a separate division that never did this.

I don't have any inside knowledge, but based on how it played out, Superfish and its ilk must have been a bright idea that came from the IdeaPad division, not something dictated by corporate.

I'm also a big ThinkPad fan, and I keep buying them regardless of what happened with IdeaPad. Of course you may choose differently.

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