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A Quad-Core 2.5Ghz Chipset For Mobile Devices from Qualcomm (mobilecrunch.com)
3 points by xuki on Feb 14, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

This reminds me a lot of the processor clock speed arms race that desktop computing went through a few years ago. Mobile devices have the added constraints of heat dissipation and battery life. I'd love to have a quad-core 2.5ghz phone to develop games for but if I can't expect users to have more than 5 minutes of battery life then what's the point?

Did you read the article? All these speed gains are also coming with huge power reduction gains as well.

Yes, I read the article, but nothing was said about the conditions under which those power reductions happen. Is it 75% at max load? Probably not. Is it 75% to achieve the same data processing throughput? I'd believe that.

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