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I repeatedly get scam calls from a fake "Verizon" that show up on my caller ID as Verizon on my Verizon phone. When I call back I end up talking to the REAL Verizon who basically say "oh yeah that thing ... we'll never call you so don't pick up, that's a scam"

If they can't stop someone impersonating their own name/number on their own network, we're all screwed.

Does Verizon really never call?

I KNOW for a first-person fact that Comcast periodically calls their broadband customers, at least their business customers, just to "check in and make sure you are happy," etc.

When I was a (reluctant) customer, they'd call about three times a year to upsell you on more expensive packages.

Marketing spam calls... from the provider was already paying.

They don't call but they text whenever I'm close to my data limit.

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