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My Favourite Programming Quotes (ginktage.com)
78 points by cfontes on Feb 14, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 27 comments

Since we're sharing quotes, here are ten programming quotes that I like:

* If C++ has taught me one thing, it's this: Just because the system is consistent doesn't mean it's not the work of Satan.

-- Andrew Plotkin

* We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins.

-- Ellen Ullman

* I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone.

-- Bjarne Stroustrup

* F U cn rd dis U mst uz Unix.

-- Tim Roberts

* In computer science, we stand on each other's feet.

-- Brian Reid

* Ah programming, never before has a profession held itself in such low esteem.

-- Stevenvotich (http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/8y348/my_progra...)

* Now, I have to point out that making fun of Emacs Lisp is kind of like kicking a puppy... a puppy who's been dead since 1981.

-- Jamie Zawinski

* An operating system is a collection of things that don't fit into a language. There shouldn't be one.

-- Dan Ingalls, Design Principles Behind Smalltalk

* C will not only let you shoot yourself in the foot, it will hand you a new magazine when you run out of bullets.

-- Charlie Stross

* Science is what we understand well enough to explain to a computer. Art is everything else we do.

-- Donald Knuth

* The Advanced Automation System suffered from that peculiar form of dissociation from reality which seems to happen only when lawyers try to tell engineers what to do.

-- John J. Reilly (http://www.johnreilly.info/ggov.htm)

Yeah, I know; this list goes to eleven.

Related to your list that goes to eleven:

There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.

Sometimes it pays to stay in bed on Monday, rather than spending the rest of the week debugging Monday’s code.

--Christopher Thompson

A friend of mine running an XP project got empirical numbers indicating that some large fraction of the project's bugs were associated with check-ins after 4pm. So he made a rule: no check-ins after 4pm. Result: a whopping decrease in the rate of new bugs.


I know you said YMMV, but wouldn't it be expected that the rate of new bugs would remain close to constant while their peak occurrences shift to earlier in the afternoon? It's just moving a "deadline" back.

This may be the case, but it might also turn out that the team is no longer checking in rushed and untested code as they hurry to get out of the office and go home for the evening. Instead, the may just hold off on checking in the code until the next morning, at which point they've slept on it and possibly thought about some edge cases they should test further, etc.

This was exactly my friend's theory of what happened.

Interesting, I'd always suspected that but never got around to tracking what times bugs were "created".

Did someone say programming quotes? Here's my collection, many dating back to the 80's and 90's:


A few of those are from my kids and from colleagues; most are from Usenet and random mailing lists.

Wow, that is a huge collection.

Java: write once, debug everywhere.

If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.

Write once, run away.

My favorite quote from _why:

"when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create."

Lots of good quotes here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/58640/great-programming-q...

My favorites:

  Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your
  code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
-- Rick Osborne

  I Hate Programming.
  I Hate Programming.
  I Hate Programming.
  It works!
  I Love Programming.
-- Anonymous poem

"Make it correct, make it clear, make it concise, make it fast. In that order." Wes Dyer

"And companies should put more effort into strategies how to handle occuring bugs, instead of a "it-mustn't-be-so-it-can't-be" mentality."

"Though displays have grown in size and resolution in the last few years, eyes haven't." Will Harris

Picked a few from my quote-collection stream. http://twitter.com/pestaa

#8 is my favorite software quote of all time, but it's incomplete:

The first method is far more difficult.

"Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. "

Measuring aircraft progress by weight is actually viable because it is already known what the final weight will be.

Here are my favorite programming quotes that I have been collecting for some years now:


“There are all these great programmers out there who think starting a startup requires esoteric business knowledge." - Paul Graham

pitching in some longer quotes by prof. dr. Edsger W. Dijkstra:


My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines spent": the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.


needless to say, refusal to exploit this power of down-to-earth mathematics amounts to intellectual and technological suicide.



In other words, when building sand castles on the beach, we can ignore the waves but watch the tide.


The other day I found in the University bookstore in Eindhoven a book on how to use “Wordperfect 5.0” of more than 850 pages, in fact a dozen pages more than my 1951 edition of Georg Joos, “Theoretical Physics”. It is time to unmask the computing community as a Secret Society for the Creation and Preservation of Artificial Complexity.



against "teamwork"

In the wake of the Cultural Revolution and now of the recession I observe a mounting pressure to co-operate and to promote "teamwork". For its anti-individualistic streak, such a drive is of course highly suspect; some people may not be so sensitive to it, but having seen the Hitlerjugend in action suffices for the rest of your life to be very wary of "team spirit". Very. I have even read one text that argued that university scientists should co-operate more in order to become more competitive..... Bureaucracies are in favour of teamwork because a few groups are easier to control than a large number of rugged individuals. Granting agencies are in favour of supporting large established organizations rather than individual researchers, because the support of the latter, though much cheaper, is felt to be more risky; it also requires more thinking per dollar funding. Teamwork is also promoted because it is supposed to be more efficient, though in general this hope is not justified.


It is the weak departments that are more tempted to seek each other's support and to believe that there is might in numbers. But such co-operation is of course based on the theory that, when you tie two stones together, the combination will float.


To quote Harvey Earl of GM: "General Motors is in business for only one reason. To make money. In order to do that we make cars. But if we could make money by making garbage cans, we would make garbage cans.". Some people might argue that they even tried to make money by making garbage. But the product is secondary; to quote Harvey Earl again: "Listen, I'd put smokestacks right in the middle of the sons of bitches if I thought I could sell more cars.". These quotations are from the fifties, but things have not changed that much.


Academic computing science is doing fine, thank you, and unless I am totally mistaken, it will have a profound influence. I am not referring to the changes that result from computers in their capacity of tools. Okay, the equipment opens new opportunities for the entertainment industry, but who cares about that anyhow. The equipment has enabled the airline industry to make its rates so complicated and volatile that you need an expert to buy a ticket, and for this discouragement of air travel we can be grateful, but the true impact comes from the equipment in its capacity of intellectual challenge.


One of Jon Bentley's _Programming Pearls_ books has a column, "Bumper-Sticker Computer Science" that is worth a glance.

The Monday one is especially true... I knew I should have stayed home today.

I would have expected only 2 quotes, given the title.

I think it would have been better to have asked us for two quotes.

I like the last one, about frozen water.

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