I have had a pretty stable setup using yabai[0] for my wm and skhd[1] for my hotkey daemon. Both are by the same dev and I have nothing but good things to say about them. Occasionally windows will get in a wonky state, but I have a hot key to reset them. It is usually stable for a week+
+1 for yabai with skhd! I can't imagine working on macos without it and I really can't stress this enough. Hotkeys with skhd is game changer for productivity and nothing compares to yabai for a tiling window manager on macos (though you don't have to use the tiling if that's not your thing).
I've been using yabai as well! I was wondering if it was possible to replicate iTerm2's dedicated hotkey window [1] for other applications (primarily firefox) using yabai/skhd?
I do not know the answer to your question but the way I solve that problem in osx is using quicksilver and triggers. You can give each app or really any quicksilver command a hotkey to switch to it directly or start it and switch if it's not running. I couldn't live without it. I have hotkeys for all my commonly used apps and generally never launch or switch apps any other way. I also have hotkeys for manual tiling to the corners, sides, center, and full screen so I don't need to use the gui for that. The fact that this isn't doable out of the box makes me question if either Apple or Microsoft has ever considered hiring a single ux expert.
On Linux I use jumpapp for the same functionality.
I've been using yabai and skhd for about a week, I was wondering what you are using for your menu bar? I'm not really sure about a suitable replacement for something like i3bar coming from Linux.
It really doesn't work that well especially on small screens. Spotify for example has a minimum size and will be unusable when the tile is smaller than that because half the window isn't visible. Focus-follows-mouse is also broken when using multiple screens and workspaces.
I've been thinking of using these. What I want also is to "save and restore" or just "force" some windows to specific monotors and sizes. Is that possible with yabai?
Not GP, but that's better than my Mac as a whole. Weird OS issues with the trackpad, login, or fan/cpu/ram usage despite nothing big running necessitate a restart at least once a week.
I would generally agree, except in this case that makes it one of the more stable pieces of software I am running on my mac. When it happens I have a single hotkey mapped to restart the service which recollects all my windows and usually fixes anything that was going wrong in ~3-4 seconds.
[0]https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai [1]https://github.com/koekeishiya/skhd