How did you arrive at that number? Quite a lot of ways one could count that.
Anyway I have never claimed statically typed languages are irrelevant or not useful. My criticism is of advance statically typed languages.
I am quite okay with stuff like Go, C and maybe Ada and Swift. I am highly critical of C++. Far too complex language.
With Haskell my criticism is different. It seems like an elegant language you can learn a lot from. However I criticize the prevalent belief that Haskell is some sort of programming Nirvana. That somehow it is the ultimate language. I think Haskell is grossly overrated. It is too complex at a theoretical level for the average programmer.
When we also learn the implementation is complex.... well then I am not sure there is much hope for that language. Sure keep it in academia. People learn lots of useful stuff from it. But don't kid yourself into thinking world dominance is right around the corner.