I’m curious for the reasoning behind why selling the data to big pharma is a bad thing? I was thrilled to hear about that personally as I am very supportive of large pools of genetic data being harnessed for drug research. Big pharma has big money and lots of smart folks, if they can leverage 23&me’s data to create better drugs or find the root cause behind diseases, it seems like a win to me.
That said, I hope that we pass stronger laws protecting genetic data from being used for any type of insurance. Genetics =/= genetic expression, and the law should reflect that.
I don’t like my data used without consent. I don’t like my data passing through extra companies forever and dna is or will be always identifiable since it’s like, my dna.
I also don’t like the idea of companies making money off my data without compensating me.
That said, I hope that we pass stronger laws protecting genetic data from being used for any type of insurance. Genetics =/= genetic expression, and the law should reflect that.