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I’m sure you could have asked to have been moved. Ironically they won’t serve peanuts if anyone is deadly allergic.

Ironically? Peanut allergies tend to be leagues worse than pet allergies, not that the latter should be discounted completely.

It's exceedingly rare for airlines to even have peanuts as an option for this reason (maybe never?). Do you remember any recent examples where they had them?

Fairly recently with southwest. Delta seems to have switched to almonds instead - which IMO are better.

You're lucky if you get any snacks though these days.

I fly relatively frequently across a wide array of airlines and even before this discussion noticed the stark absence of peanuts. I can even picture the red Southwest branded packet of pretzels as the “default classic” option. Hmm, interesting.

Edit: Can confirm, no more peanuts on Southwest either: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/09/southwest-airlines-is-gettin...

Weird, definitely got a pack of peanuts a couple months ago from SW. Wonder if they were just using up their stockpile then...

> You're lucky if you get any snacks though these days.

Or the snacks are pointless. On a recent delta flight they handed out baby carrots from a bag.

I get nuts all the time on Alaska and I think American, but perhaps no peanuts.

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