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How I write back ends (github.com/fpereiro)
521 points by fpereiro on Jan 21, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 186 comments

A great write-up. Two interesting points:

1) No Ansible. No Kubernetes, nor containerisation. Starting on a single server/vm and controlling deploys with a bash script.

2) An interesting take on microservices: "One server, one service... 2-3k of code can hardly be called a monolith.... if two pieces of information are dependent on each other, they should belong to a single server."

As a (mainly) backend dev who does like devops and microservices, I agree on both points.

KISS - there's no need to start off with over-complicating everything for no reason. When there's a need for Ansible, introduce it at that point. When you think you need microservices, think about it a lot and move to them if you really do require them.

But certainly don't start off using a full Ansible + Kubernetes + Docker + microservices stack. You'll spend all your time managing these, and relatively little time actually being productive.

> You'll spend all your time managing these, and relatively little time actually being productive.

I see this a lot, and I'm always somewhat surprised by it. It took a couple of days to put together our kops-based cluster on EC2, wire it in to Gitlab CI and get the various load balancers, ingresses et al plumbed in, and then perhaps an hour a week maintaining it from there?

I do agree it's not the right place to start, but I think the standard operational complexity of k8s is frequently overstated. The argument I do buy against k8s is that when it goes wrong, debugging can be a nightmare.

I fully concur with your last statement. I find that the main advantage of having less moving parts is that there's exponentially less things that can go wrong - and that makes reliability possible with very small teams. The setup cost is usually not steep when compared to the overall lifecycle of a project, I fully agree.

The other argument I have against many DevOps tools (and most software tools in general) is that the patterns of the solutions they provide don't generally match the basic patterns of the problems they are solving - the consequence is the sheer complexity of understanding the tool, especially when something goes wrong. In the past, this hasn't only costed me time, but a lot of frustration that I'd rather avoid - even at the price of having to build my own solutions.

> I find that the main advantage of having less moving parts is that there's exponentially less things that can go wrong - and that makes reliability possible with very small teams

Right but it is a trade off to some degree. For us, to have ephemeral feature branches deployed to QA completely in a hands-off manner means we can do multiple releases per day as a small team. Most (almost all!) of the advantages we have seen from moving to a k8s infra have been DX, rather than UX.

Definitely a tradeoff - I'm biased towards working in teams of only 2-3 people. Larger teams would probably benefit much more from more structure and process.

What is your workflow enabling this?

Nothing esoteric, git trunk with feature branches that build, test and deploy in Gitlab CI to a-feature-name.our-company-name.local on k8s, notifies QA team that there's something to check, gets approved, merged to master and released automatically, functionally tested on canary prod deploy and then rolled out wider.

So no experience with Ansible itself (I use masterless Saltstack), but I don't agree with the idea of removing configuration-as-code. Once you learn how to do it, its not a lot of effort to use it instead of interactively installing packages and editing config. And the benefits are huge because you know everything needed to re-do your server are here, ready to be used.

Agree on the other points, no need for k8s or anything on a small server.

Passionately agree with thinking a lot before adding an element to your infrastructure. That might just be the main point I'm trying to make in the document.

I love the idea of infrastructure as code and at some point I will try to write a small js library that performs these types of tasks - but first I'm trying to get to the point where I'll actually need it. I feel that bash won't scale beyond a certain point (or rather, a scalable bash solution would be much easier to write in js or another high level language). In any case, I'll have Ansible as my benchmark of a great solution to run a large infrastructure.

Pulumi does what you propose: https://www.pulumi.com/

Awesome writeup.

You mentioned you're still "finding an elegant way to generate, use and clean up CSRF tokens".... Consider implementing an "httponly", "samesite=strict" cookie for security check. Apple recently got on board so all major browsers are supporting this. One goal of samesite is to make CSRF tokens redundant.

We roll out at least three different cookies with varying expiration times. Including each of "strict", "lax", and "none". They are there for various reasons.

Of course additional checks occur, especially for big operations, but we no longer keep track of multiple CSRF tokens for each user/device/browser combo.

Keeping track of CSRF tokens via JavaScript, considering multiple tabs, is kind of a nightmare... and it's never as secure as you initially think.

Thank you for your suggestion about using samesite=strict! I'll look into it a bit more - the only downside I see is support for older browsers, which is a personal vice I can't kick. If I see that there's no elegant CSRF solution, this will probably be my fire escape. Thank you for that!

I added more info in the document regarding cookie/session management, particularly its expiry (https://github.com/fpereiro/backendlore#identity--security). The approach I take is to make cookies last until the server says so. I'm very curious as to how you use cookies with varying expiration times and would love to know more if you have the time.

Seconding @fpereio's request - I too would like to know more. CSRF handling is painful, so your approach is very interesting, but I don't understand it fully yet.

Until several years ago cookies couldn't be used for CSRF tokens, because they were sent with every request to your site, regardless of where the request originated. SameSite changes that because you can now control when a given cookie is sent with a given request, based on how a link was followed. It puts the work on the browser.

SameSite is just a property you use when setting a cookie, like the expiration, or url path. There are three settable values: None, Lax, and Strict.

'None' sends the cookie with every request, like how browsers "historically" acted.

'Lax' is the new default [1]. If someone follows a link to your page, these cookie are sent with the request. If a third-party site POSTs to one of your pages, these cookies won't be sent.

'Strict' cookies will never be sent to your server if the request originated from a third party, even if it's as innocent as following a link from a search engine.

So use these types to your liking. Your needs vary. If you want the user to appear logged in when they follow a link to your site you're going to use None or (most likely) Lax.

As far as CSRF, you can generate a single CSRF token at login and set it in a cookie as with SameSite=Strict. Regenerate it every so often, or at "big" events, and voila. One CSRF token per device session. No worries about multiple tabs open, and you have reasonable expectation to only have to keep track of a single token at a time. The kicker is, you technically don't even have to have a CSRF token if you don't want. If you're serious about nobody linking to an "internal" authenticated page, just set the primary session id cookie as strict. (I would personally do more than this, but hey.)

I do secure portals. So we set several cookies across the board. Varying expiration times. They all have their purposes.

[1] While you can consider Lax as the new default, if you omit the SameSite property on a cookie it is actually attributed as something referred to as 'NotSet', which is unsettable, and acts a hybrid between Lax and None. Browsers vary a little here, but it's only to maintain reasonable backwards compatibility at the moment, and both Mozilla and Chrome developers plan to remove this hybrid functionality in the future. Basically.. a cookie will act like None for 2 minutes, then act like Lax after that, etc.

Beautiful answer, thank you!

Since I want to support as many browsers as possible, I'm going to still use CSRF tokens, but a single token per session as you suggested. I just outlined the approach here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22268152 .

Thanks for your detailed feedback, it's very valuable to me.

> Speed - S3 is not very fast, even accounting for network delays. Latencies of 20-50ms are par for the course

I've used S3 in past projects. These numbers are in line with my experience. And frankly, I'm good with them. S3 is dirt cheap compared to EBS, and it IMO doesn't generate a lot of production incidents (compared to, say, AWS RDS MySQL). The latency is on the high side compared to some things, but if the user is doing an "upload" operation of some sort, 50ms is tolerable, IMO. And it always seems to be way more efficient that just about everything else, in particular, it's usually next to some Mongo/SQL DB that is stuggling under the load of feature creep. S3 has basically never been on my bottleneck radar.

The biggest thing I find people doing wrong, particularly in Python, is a. failing to keep the connection open (and so paying the TCP & TLS handshakes repeatedly when they don't need to, which adds a significant latency hit) and b. making boto calls they don't need to, such as "get_bucket" which in boto will check for the bucket's existence. You almost always can guarantee the bucket exists as a precondition of normal system operation… and the next call to GET/PUT object will fail anyways if something is amiss.

Fully agree. 20-50ms for something like S3 is fantastic and proof that we live in the future. S3 is only slow when compared to interacting with redis or a FS layer powered by node (by about an order of magnitude). That's why I feel that complementing it with a self-managed FS can work well in certain settings. And interestingly enough, because S3 is so solid, you don't have to be so paranoid with your own FS layer, since S3 is there to bail you out in case of data loss.

Regarding S3 pricing, ~0.09 USD per downloaded GB could potentially become a significant bill (~90 USD per TB). I'm building a service that serves pictures and limiting the financial downside is very important for the economics of the business. More than the actual magnitude, the certainty that costs are a linear and predictable function of storage makes me sleep better.

An implicit point that I just realized by re-reading your comment: if you have a significant amount of data (let's say, > 100GB) a local FS is only cheaper if you're using instances or dedicated servers with large disks - and probably this is prohibitively expensive in AWS (EBS). I'm particularly considering Hetzner dedicated servers with large disks.

Can you break down the financials for us?

At some point I'll do a public writeup of my planned cost structure. Hetzner's EX62 servers (https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver) are about 10 USD/mo/TB of disk and it would be hard to go over their bandwidth limits . Even allowing for RAID and/or multiple locations/servers for a file node, the cost is still low. The main advantage in terms of cost is the possibility of not spending money on outgoing bandwidth.

Hetzner's pricing for dedicated servers is impressive. However, I'm curious about how do you deal with (or whether you are worried about) the lack of their presence in North America, Asia, Oceania? Unless most of your customers are in Europe, latency might be an issue ... What is your experience in this regard?

That's a good question. I'm going to try first with Hetzner and measure latencies from different places; if this becomes an issue, I'll definitely consider complementing the infrastructure from elsewhere. But I'd rather start simple.

I currently run a web service from North American servers and the performance here in Europe is quite good. I think this experience - very, very limited - gives me confidence that the wires across the world are good enough, provided your data center is close to the main pipes.

All right, good luck! Please share your Hetzner experiences here - I will be watching this thread.

I really love articles like this. There's so much value in quickly summarizing years of experience with proven tools.

This writeup in particular is great because it starts with simple architectures and progresses to horizontal scaling with a load balancer -- it really is 75% of what you'd need to actually implement a production-ready application backend, with clear links to get the other 25%.

+1 and I'm sure the article could inspire others to do the same with other stacks. I like how it compares to other similar stack where OS is CentOS, serverside lang is just PHP and some other layers added, like HAProxy and/or Varnish cache, or even Apache or Lighttpd instead of the omnipresent Nginx for the webserver

The article and meaningful HN comments where people share their experiences is especially valuable

Wow. I wasn't expecting this level of interest, not in a million years. I'm very grateful (and a bit overwhelmed!). Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I just added a few more clarifications to the document, mostly inspired by your interactions.

For a database, why Redis over something like Postgres?

Doesn't Redis generally keep all keys in memory and have features for deleting keys? (mostly meant as a cache)

Redis gives you fundamental data structures (lists, sets, hashes - plus a few other like zsets and hyperloglogs) that represent a powerful way of expressing computation. I'm not acquainted with the full spectrum of Postgres' data structures, so I cannot do a fair comparison; all I can say is that Redis is awesome and I can't get enough of it.

Postgres essentially gives you one top-level data structure, the table. For each column however it has a wild variety of data types and structures. It similarly has a large variety of indexes, making it possible to do performant lookups on all those datatypes as your use-case requires.

Your article showed up at exactly the right time for me :). A project I'm working on has been increasing in 'devops' complexity, and I'd been doing some research into Docker/Ansible/etc. because I felt that perhaps my simpler solutions weren't ideal.

After some research I concluded my approach was still preferable, at least for now, but I still felt some unease because everyone seems to be using Docker and whatnot. Your article really helped me feel more confident in my choices. Thanks!

Glad to hear! Part of the reason I put all of this out there is to offer a different point of view that has worked for me and others I've worked with, and to stimulate debate and fact-based (or at least experience-based) interactions regarding backend lore, instead of pining for best practices that often are under-scrutinized.

Based on your analysis, how did you decide not to move to containers?

Argh. long comment got deleted. So, short version:

1. I already know how nginx/apache/linux work, so it's been pretty easy to spin up a new VPS and configure it to handle potentially multiple apps, rather than learning how to work with Docker or the like.

2. I run pretty much the same stack everywhere (Phoenix/Elixir) and I don't foresee running into issues where I need to run multiple versions of, say, elixir or node.

3. For deployment I quite like git + hooks to handle things. and because of some of Elixir's particulars, it's real easy to deploy a new version and recompile without having to completely restart the app.

4. I don't like the idea of adding another layer of complexity. The way I see it, if anyone else needs to work with me on the 'devops' part, they better know how to work with linux/nginx anyways. And if they already know, they can pick things up pretty quickly. Knowing how to use Docker would just add another thing for them to learn, another thing for me to keep an eye on, and another thing to follow updates and security issues on.

5. I'm very much of the article's school of thought that scaling stuff on a single server for quite a long time is possible. Perhaps especially with Phoenix/Elixir. So at worst I could see myself moving an app to a separate VPS, but I don't need to 'orchestrate' things and whatnot.

6. I haven't properly researched this, but I suspect that, for quite a few of our clients, running things on a separate server is a legal requirement. A container would not only be an alien concept to them, but it might very well just not be allowed (would love to hear input on this though).

tl;dr: I just don't need it. I can spin up a server and get everything set up in < 30 mins, some of it done manually and some of it with some simple bash scripts. and I can't think of a very good reason to learn and implement another layer that sits in between my server and the running app(s).

All that said, I don't know what I don't know, so I'd really love to hear where perhaps I might benefit from using Docker/Ansible or the like! I'm not at all against these tools or anything.

EDIT: I'll add that I do think perhaps Docker might be useful for local development, especially when we start hiring other devs. Am I correct in assuming that's one of the use cases?

> EDIT: I'll add that I do think perhaps Docker might be useful for local development, especially when we start hiring other devs. Am I correct in assuming that's one of the use cases?

As I understand it, something like that is supposed to be one of the big draws: Since everything runs in a container the environment is the same regardless of the system packages, so you shouldn't have any "works on my machine" bugs.

That said, we had a session recently where a system that was just converted to docker was being handed off from development to maintenance, that also acted as a crash course for anyone interested in docker on the other development teams. I think only a fraction of us actually got it working during that session, the rest having various different issues, mostly with docker itself rather than the converted system.

Interesting. Thankfully most of my current work involves a stack that works fine on Linux/Mac, and I don't foresee many other devs needing to work with it, least of all devs using Windows.

But I recall doing contract work where it took me and every new developer literally a day (at least) to get their Ruby on Rails stack working with the codebase, and where we often ran into issues getting multiple projects running alongside on account of them needing different versions of gems or Ruby. I can see how Docker would be a great timesaver there.

Are you using ASDF? I generally commit a .tool-versions file to source control for every project. It specifies the versions of each language (usually Erlang/Elixir/Node) to be used for a given project.

I started using ASDF for Elixir projects, but over time I've basically replaced RVM, NVM and all other similar tools with it.

Back in the RoR days I guess it was RVM that I used. I've also used NVM in the past.

But honestly in my current work I've not needed it yet. As far as Elixir/Phoenix goes, things have been stable enough so far that I've not needed to run multiple versions, and I try to rely on node-stuff as little as possible (more and more LiveView), so I can get away with either updating everything at once, or leaving things be.

Furthermore, when various apps diverge too much, I usually find there's a need to run them on separate VPS', which I find cleaner and safer than trying to make them run alongside each other.

But thanks for reminding me about ASDF. It seems like a much nicer solution than using multiple tools!

You have a nice simple solution to a simple problem. Do you just do a ‘recompile’ in the IEx shell?

Docker for me became easier after the whole switchover and not being involved in Linux land for a few years. Many parts that I’d built up muscle memory from years back are different. Now I login to a recent rev of a Linux distro and I have to spend time looking up how network interfaces are now handled, how to create a service, how to look at logs. Docker CLI has been more stable “api” for me the past few years. Though lately I’m doing embedded, so I just took a Nerves x86 image and got it running on a VPS. Get a minute of downtime when updating a rarely used service seems worthwhile.

> You have a nice simple solution to a simple problem. Do you just do a ‘recompile’ in the IEx shell?

Yup. I have a few umbrella apps where I'll do Application.stop() and .start(), and sometimes recompiling isn't enough, but 99% of the time it's all I need to do.

For embedded stuff I suppose Docker could be very useful too. Any reason you don't run Erlang 'bare' and use releases? Apologies if that question makes no sense; I have no experience (yet) in that area but the coming year I'm excited to start working with Nerves and various IoT stuff :).

Awesome writeup, I agree with mostly everything. A few small tips:

* Use `npm ci` instead of `npm i --no-save`. This gives you the exact packages from the lockfile, which is more reliable.

* You might like systemd .service files instead of `mon`. It's available by default on ubuntu LTS, and you're down a dependency that way. The .service files can be really simple: https://techoverflow.net/2019/03/11/simple-online-systemd-se...

Thanks for your comment!

- I don't use lockfiles - instead I use very very few dependencies, and I always target a specific version of each of them. I know this is not the same as a shrinkwrap, but I'm crazy enough to feel that package-lock.json adds visual bloat to my repo.

- I am biased towards mon because it's probably less susceptible to changes over time than Ubuntu itself, and because it can be installed with a single command. But systemd definitely is a good option too if you're using Ubuntu!

The main problem with your approach is that you have full control over your dependencies but no control over their dependencies, unless you're inspecting every single package in your dependency graph to make sure that every one of them targets specific versions in its package.json. Realistically, using package-lock.json and npm ci is the only way to ensure that everyone on your team and your deployments are all working off of the same node_modules folder.

There's one problem with `npm ci`: it deletes the `node_modules` directory, thereby thwarting attempts at caching it between builds. As a workaround, we use `npm install` followed by `git diff --quiet package-lock.json`, which will abort the CI process if npm installing changed the lock file (i.e. if someone forgot to commit changes to it after adding a package).

Lockfiles protect you from someone who would publish a malware that replaces an existing version (lockfiles have hashes alongside the versions)

I believe that npm no longer allows for republishing existing versions. Wouldn't this restriction remove this vulnerability altogether?

It won't protect against a newer version of an established library introducing malicious behaviour.

This is correct, the few dependencies you would use would need to also target very specific versions to achieve the same.

Lock files are used to lock dependency versions all the way down your dependency tree, not just your immediate dependencies.

Unfortunately this seems to be the case; lockfiles would be unnecessary only if all your dependencies (and their dependencies, recursively all the way down) reference explicit versions, the risk being that a new malicious version would be published. I'll research if there's a workaround.

Thanks everyone for pointing out this issue.

In my opinion a lock file really is the "work around", I don't see a huge issue in using them since it's given for free by npm and yarn with no additional overhead.

You can specify exact versions, but your deps might wildcard with "~" or "^" or they might specify a range of versions. Thus, a new dep of a dep might be installed the next time you update.

I wonder whether one of the npm alternatives has a "--sane" mode that would always pick the oldest possible dep...

Why the oldest possible?

Thread hypothesis is that we want to avoid breakage due to automatic dependency updates. So, don't update dependencies automatically. Now sure, if you tell the tool to update a particular dep, it will force second- and higher-order deps to update to compatible versions. It will always use the oldest compatible version, so nothing will get broken in surprising fashion. This seems strange to people who've used mostly npm and node, but tools for other languages have this policy.

I see. I've never heard of that before, thanks for sharing!

If you replace NodeJS with Django and Redis with Postgres it pretty much maps 1:1 with how I deal with it.

Once/if postgres becomes a bottleneck I simply add redis to cache, the next step is doing some stuff asynch with RabbitMQ + Celery and you can scale really really really far...

To many people's surprise, I can crank out a fully-functional side project in two to five days (latest ones were https://imgz.org and https://nobsgames.stavros.io) by having already completely automated devops.

Much like you, I have a Django template project and use Dokku for deployment, so I can use the template to create a new project, commit, push, and it's already up on production.

Here's mine:


Having all the best practices and boilerplate already sorted helps immensely.

I've worked a lot on this sort of thing in my company, as we spawn new projects every few weeks. We went from 4 days to deploy a fully-functioning Django+React+CI on AWS to literally 30min (much of it just waiting) using similar approaches.

And now we have the same thing for API Platform, NestJS, Vue, NextJS... Even React-Native with Fastlane and CodePush :) It's been invaluable, and a very strong commercial argument

What kind of company that spawns new projects every few weeks are you working for ? This sounds cool =)

The situation isn't clear to me. What changed that lead to more productive deployments?

Using templates, boilerplates and generators.

Creating a new project is simply "make generate" from our generator, then answering a bunch of questions about what tech stack you need. This works mostly with templating (using Plop) and a sprinkle of automation for shell tasks (eg `pipenv install`)

Thanks for clarifying. What used to take 4 days to set up a new server can now be done in <1hr. How often is that being taken advantage of? "Any time we need a new server" is determined by a policy determining whether to bolt onto additional servers or not. Curious about that policy..

Is your generator hand rolled or do you use something in particular? We’re working towards a similar solution where we want to layer/compose different tech choices based on what’s mandated by project requirements!

> To many people's surprise, I can crank out a fully-functional side project in two to five days by having already completely automated devops.

This is something that did not occur to me until I have done a lot of consulting for small and medium size companies. All of them have the same basic challenges - they don't have tooling to do basic crap for example, they can blast some notification to everyone that is registered in their service but sending an email from a email-message-to-specific-set-of-people requires a workflow deploy. Same goes for provisioning a new domain and wiring it up to nodejs backend, etc, etc, etc.

Automate basic devops first, from DNS management to email sending to deploys to workflows, etc. Think of every project you are going to to later being a "client" of your devops "infrastructure".

I love the pricing for imgz.org! :-)

Thanks, I love how the high price just overflows out of the box :P

I saw your no BS games Show HN recently, good work. That imgz website and copy, what an incredible piece of art! You're totally right about what imgur has become, first starting out as a reddit image host, then taking VC money, and inevitably becoming "web scale".

Thank you! I can promise you imgz will never become "web scale" because nobody's using it and that's the way it should be.

Thanks. This brings up the point that, if OP clarifies in his (already great) document, would really help.

By using node.js, OP has implicitly made a statement of javascript as the server-side language of choice.

Even though there is some mention of one system doing multiple things, it would really help if OP adds a section about justification of an all-js approach. And especially, what OP's opinion is about programming in 'JS The Good Parts' (a-la Crockford) vs 'anything goes'.

I believe OP may have good opinions about how to approach JS programming. It would be great if that is added to the document.

In any case, I highly appreciate OP sharing this work. Thank you.

edit: OP address part of this in his comment [1]

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22116437

Hi there!

- I choose js/node as my server-side language of choice. This is because I love both js the language and node itself, and so far haven't seen the need to try something else. That doesn't mean, however, that it should be the solution for everyone. Particularly if you don't like js - you're probably better off programming in a language you enjoy!

- I have rambled a bit about js style here: https://github.com/fpereiro/ustack#mes5-a-javascript-subset . My approach, however, is very minimalistic and backward-looking (or aspiring to timelessness, if you're being very kind), so I recommend it very cautiously. You might be better off using more language features, particularly those that come in ES6-7-8. For all of this, I'd rather leave this content separately in the ustack repo.

Thanks. Looks like you've already shared your approach in a separate discussion. Very helpful!

I also rambled further here: http://federicopereiro.com/why-es5 .

Django + Postgres + Redis + Celery deployed to AWS Beanstalk covers 99% of application needs, in my personal experience.

Hey, I’m pretty new to this process. I have Been working on Django app with Postgres, but I’m struggling with the Redis/Celery piece. Would you happen to know of any resources or do you have any open source projects of which I could study the config that might help me out?

next time try cockroachdb instead of postgres.

Perhaps you could elaborate further on this to add to the discussion

when you hit scaling issues with standard postgres. cdb has the same wire format so no code change would be needed. for mysql alternative, there is tidb but that one is not a single binary so i never used it.

I’ve never heard of cockroachdb, what are the advantages of it and why is it preferable to Postgres?

A primary advantage is horizontal scalability. If you need more capacity, just add more nodes.

Additionally it offers better fault tolerance and zero-downtime online upgrades. For more advanced use cases it can be deployed in a geo-replicated topology and configured with partitioning for low latency transactions when confined to a single region while proving strong consistency and a single logical database globally.

Disclaimer: I work on cockroach.

An explanation of why would be nice

Is there a specific reason you haven't replaced the Vagrant stuff with a container-based approach? You can also do stuff like using the lxc backend[0] for Vagrant if that's more your speed. While containers aren't strictly better, they are certainly lighter weight and quicker to spin up/tear down, though performance characteristics and OS settings/etc can definitely differ.

I've found linux containers to be fantastic for both replicating pieces of the environment and making your e2e tests a little more offical. Running postgres itself (migrating it like you would your real app, inserting data like the app would, then tearing it all down in seconds), apps like mailcatcher[1][2] and actually letting your app send mail (this way you don't even need a local/log-only implementation), running redis locally, and replicating S3 with a project like minio[3] is very easy and fast.

You can take this even further also by building a way to completely spin up your production environment to a certain point in time locally -- though all the resources for the ecosystem of apps may not be on the same VM image (otherwise you could just snapshot and technically go to the point in time), if you can assemble the state and the backups, you can hook them all up to the containers running locally (or in a VM running locally to be fair) and get an approximation of your entire system.

Of course, it is somewhat less true-to-production (given that production is you running a VM), but you can remove that barrier with things like linuxkit[4].

[0]: https://github.com/fgrehm/vagrant-lxc

[1]: https://mailcatcher.me

[2]: https://github.com/sj26/mailcatcher

[3]: https://www.minio.io/

[4]: https://github.com/linuxkit

You raise interesting points!

In general, I don't use Vagrant. I simply use my host OS (Ubuntu) and my local node & redis. There's usually no further moving parts than these, so it is easy to achieve development in an environment that is practically equivalent to the Ubuntu servers/instances in the cloud, the main difference being a different folder path, different files stored and different info on the DB.

When running the app locally, I still use services like S3 and SES - although I might not send emails, to keep things as "real" as possible.

I do use Vagrant when the project requires installation of other tools beyond my basic toolkit (like MongoDB or Elasticsearch) - in this case, I want that software to stay within the VM.

In general, I'd rather avoid virtualization because it represents an extra layer, but if it is necessary for idempotence or having a dev environment that mimics the prod environment, I'd definitely embrace it.

I'd really recommend getting more intuition/familiar with containerization and introducing it -- it is an essential part of the modern toolkit and really isn't very hard to use these days. It will absolutely introduce/encourage idempotence and bring your dev environment just a little closer to your prod environment. Modern container runtimes can even run rootless containers, swap out the "virtualization" engine underneath (as in you can even run your container in QEMU without changing it for more isolation), so it can be a net positive for security too. There's also no need to swap out folder paths and file locations -- just moving around and disconnecting/reconnecting your data.

Containerization is actually not virualization (which is why it was in quotes ealrier), they're basically better-sandboxed local processes (just like your local redis instance), and the better sandboxing has benefits for both development and production. So if you squint, it's actually very similar to just running redis yourself on a similar OS -- just now when you shut it down you don't have to manage any folders.

Of course, use what works -- there's no need to fix things that aren't broken, but there is a reason that the defacto deployment artifact of the modern application is very quickly becoming a container (if it isn't already) -- in relatively trusted environments they give just the right amount of isolation and reproducibility, and centralized management (systemd even has space for containers via systemd-nspawn[0]).

[EDIT] - somewhat unrelated but if you haven't I'd really suggest you give GitLab a try for your source code management -- not only does it come with a free to use docker image registry, it comes with a fantastically easy CI platform which can make automated testing easier. You get 2000 free minutes a month, and actually if you bring your own hardware (which is as easy as running a container on your local machine and pointing it at gitlab.com to run your jobs for you) it's all free. There are lots of other integrations and benefits (kanban style issue boards, gitlab pages, wiki, etc), but it's one of my gotos for small projects and I introduce it to corporate clients every chance I get. Microsoft-owned Github is doing it's best to compete now that it has endless pockets, but GitLab has been offering an amazing amount of value for free for a long time now.

[0]: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-nsp...

note that vagrant support containers :)

While this is a fantastic resource, I feel like it's indicative of a larger problem: why is all of this still needed ? Is there no way to abstract all of this and focus on the actual functionality of the webservice ?

This is probably the answer that Google App Engine, by providing all the bricks needed to replace Redis or the FS or S3, and all you need is to write your own application code. All the provisioning and monitoring is taken care of. Is there an open alternative to it I could run locally or on my own server ?

Depending on what you're building, you can even go with https://hasura.io/ and focus on the user-facing parts of your application! It still makes it reasonably straightforward to implement custom logic, and you only need to write backend code that directly benefits your domain, skipping all the CRUD plumbing.

Hasura seems to be very specifically about a database and its API. What I'm looking for is an environment that is more focused on application code, and which gives you the API to communicate with the external world. That environment would provide all that is given in the article by default.

> why is all of this still needed ?

That's the million dollar question! It also vexes me that all of this is necessary. I hope like crazy that there will be a radically better approach in 5-10 years. I am not aware of solutions that truly abstract all these problems without creating 1) further, larger problems; and/or 2) severe vendor lock-in.

I don't think it's possible to achieve both 1 and 2 simultaneously. If all of the software is specifically made to be integrated with other components, wouldn't you necessarily be locked into that single system?

The only alternative would be to create an elegant system that is also in itself an open standard. I don't see a way around this double requirement. It sounds like something mighty interesting to work in.

It doesn't have to be elegant, just popular enough that everyone agrees to standardize on it. The best example I have in mind is the S3: because it's so popular, it's the default API for minio (https://min.io/). Redis is also different enough from every other database yet widespread enough that it's considered a standard, and other projects have started using its API to implement an alternative or a cache.

I also hope that at one point I can just write my code, wrap it behind a simple HTTP API, and give it to some orchestrator that manages everything (monitoring, logs, deployment, TLS, gives me a FS API, manages authentication, ...). I feel like web platforms such as OpenResty (https://openresty.org/en/), Caddy (https://caddyserver.com/) already provide part of it, but can probably go a bit further

I think it does have to have a certain elegance (or better, conceptual integrity), otherwise it won't be able to provide a flexible and understandable interface for handling all the various use cases.

I use this, but trying to get off it as it is no longer maintained, and many of the benefits are now features of docker proper.

Oh, I hadn't heard it had maintenance issues.

https://github.com/dokku/dokku/releases shows a release a week ago, and https://github.com/dokku/dokku/pulse/monthly shows pull requests and issues being addressed.

Shit, sorry, I confused dokku with dokku-alt.

Seems dokku picked up pace since.

Specifically, I used alt version for the nginx setup

If you're going to go the redis route Amazon has a managed service: https://aws.amazon.com/elasticache/

It shouldn't be to expensive and can save you a lot of time in setup.

I think I'd also recommend using ansible instead of plain SSH. It has a lot of stuff built in and for simple deployments shouldn't be too hard to pick up.

Future you will probably appreciate an off-the-shelf solution, instead of something custom :).

It is nice seeing something like this put together though. There are so many moving pieces in a project it can lead to decision making paralysis where you find yourself going down rabbit holes, second guessing everything you do and seemingly never getting ahead. At least that's what happens to me when I'm doing something new.

I used to use Ansible, but recently have gone back to Bash scripts.

I only set up a few VMs a year, and found the open-source Ansible modules I used weren't maintained any longer or weren't updated. So I was having to maintain them to keep my playbook working.

In the end I decided bash plus some manual work to copy / update files was going to be quicker overall.

Wow, I didn't know that AWS had a managed redis service! I thought Elasticache was only for Elasticsearch. Thank you for pointing this out.

In my experience, setting up redis is very easy and not time-consuming; what is not trivial is to store large amounts of data in it, which requires either getting more RAM or considering a clustering option.

I'll very much have this option in mind for upcoming projects where I'm not the sole owner.

Regarding Ansible vs bash/ssh, I'll probably (hopefully!) come to the point where I'll need something more sophisticated. Ansible is definitely my benchmark for an elegant solution to idempotent provisioning and infrastructure as code. I might not help writing something custom in js, but I definitely will have to go beyond bash and purely imperative approaches. I'll be sure to share what I learn along the way.

Elasticache is for redis or memcached, not elasticsearch. AWS does have an elasticsearch service too, although I haven't heard good things about it.



Another option over Ansible/Saltstack for managing remote hosts, is using something like Fabric [1]. It's a "remote execution framework"; basically a Python wrapper around SSH for defining hosts and writing tasks that are executed in a shell on your fleet.

[1] https://www.fabfile.org/

Will take a look at Fabric, thank you!

AWS can also do load balancing for you (ELB) which can deal with SSL for ya, and possibly with auto scaling. It allows for deploying containers (fargate).

I liked this comment in the article (might use a variation myself):

"If you must sting, please also be nice. But above all, please be accurate."

An HTTP API allows us to serve, with the same code, the needs of a user facing UI (either web or native), an admin and also programmatic access by third parties. We get all three for the price of one.

At a high cost, writing an intermediate JSON API is no free launch. For solo dev and, unless the UI is someone else problem, ask yourself if you really need all this(many frontends, third party access, etc..) before blindly following that advice. Server-rendered-html(with some JS) might be more than enough.

You raise a great point.

The web frontends I write always draw views entirely through client-side js, and interact with the server mostly through JSON. The only HTML served is that to bootstrap the page, plus static assets (js & images). If you use server-side rendering, writing an HTTP API might indeed represent more work. And I'm in no position to say that client-rendering is better than server-rendering.

Just added a clarification in this regard in the document. Thanks for bringing this point up.

I agree that APIs can be overkill, it really depends on the application you're building and if you want to make it accessible across multiple clients or not.

But still when I see how locked down applications are today and all the bloat in clients, I wish more services would provide an API to allow people to build their own clients.

Fantastic article.

Less "how we used fancy schmancy crazy stuff your mom warned you about, and you should too, or feel bad."

More real world truth.

Thanks a lot for the article! Loved it. Within my limited experience, I also agreed a lot, which I find encouraging.

A few quick questions for the author if I may:

- Do you have recommendations for other articles and books or courses like this?

- What’s your take on a few alternatives: Python (rather than node) and Google Cloud or Azure (rather than Amazon)?

- do you lose sleep worrying about the security of your servers? :-)


Glad you liked the article!

I don't have recommendations for other articles like these; most of what I wrote came from personal experience or things I learned directly from other people working with me. I also have learned a lot from writeups by people running web services, especially when they encounter issues and/or suffer downtime or data loss. These real-world lessons can be highly enlightening, particularly if they're written in an honest way - I cannot point to any one in particular, but that's what I would look for, especially for services that run a stack similar to the one you're planning to use.

As for Python vs node, I recommend using the language you love the most, as long as the runtime you use is decently performant. node itself is blazing fast, but I would probably use it anyway if it was 10x as slow. I have no experience running Python as a web service (I've only done some local scripting with it) but I'm sure it can work perfectly well and I know of at least a couple projects which use it successfully at big scales.

I recently read a writeup by DHH about Ruby representing only 15% of the infrastructure cost of Basecamp (https://m.signalvnoise.com/only-15-of-the-basecamp-operation...). The takeaway here is that your choice of database and architecture will probably determine your costs and performance, not the programming language.

Regarding alternatives to AWS, I haven't taken the time to consider them, honestly. I use AWS very sparingly (with the exception of S3 - which has a track record that no equivalent service offers, if only for the sheer amount of time they've been at it - and SES, which I use only because I'm already using S3 and I might as well just have one cloud provider). For work with clients, they all seem to prefer embracing the dominant vendor and I don't have any powerful arguments to dissuade them from this.

At the moment I'm only responsible for a couple of services with low traffic (and handling no financial transactions nor pacemakers), so I sleep with my phone off. I've been responsible for largish infrastructures and in those cases, the quality of your sleep drastically declines. Soon and hopefully, however, I'll be running a service with a lot of user data and reliability guarantees, so I won't be able to turn off my phone anymore at night. This time, however, I'll be fully in control of all design decisions and I hope that, by systematic treatment and elimination of sources of failure, outages and emergencies should happen asymptotically less as time goes by - and with any luck, the lessons learnt can also help others that are in the same position.

Brilliant reply, thank you! I think you just persuaded me to switch to AWS.

Do you do any work with web sockets? I'm a bit worried about that wrt Python, whether it will scale well.

I guess my biggest security concerns are messing up my REST implementation, dependencies in Node being compromised, and vulnerability in servers I'm using, e.g. nginx, redis.

I normally don't work with websockets, just JSON, but perhaps that's because all the applications I work on are basically glorified CRUDs. If your application is essentially a CRUD, however, JSON might be more than enough. I've seen thousands of JSON requests/responses per second being handled by small virtual instances running node.

The first thing I'll do as soon as the product I'm building starts bringing in revenue will be to pay a security expert to perform a security audit of it all. In the meantime, I try as much as possible to eliminate backdoors (use the API for everything), simplify the data flows, drastically reduce the amount of dependencies and of moving parts, and as much as possible use technology that's been around for a few years (nginx, node and nginx all make the cut :).

As I need to push events/data (collaborative app) I'll need websockets unless I decide to do some insane polling.

Totally with you on the security expert, definitely a priority.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply, you've been really helpful!

Using websockets for a collaborative app makes all the sense in the world (incidentally, I realize I've never written one an app of that kind).

My pleasure! Being part of this thread has been an amazing learning experience.

GCP, Azure, and AWS all do the exact same thing at this point, other than a few higher-end ML products.

src: "GCP Cloud Architect" cert and lots of hands-on experience with the other two.

Good stuff. I love seeing really practical articles that just lay out, "Given my experience and the lessons I've learned, these are a good baseline of general best practices".

Regarding Architecture B, I was always curious why use nginx as a proxy to node? In my experience it is perfectly capable as an application server as well (OpenResty in particular), no need for yet another component.

Also, I consider deployment via Docker a sensible default with all the niceties in tooling. For example I find it convenient to set a restart policy on the container process.

The main reason I use nginx is because it is so easy to configure HTTPS with LetsEncrypt & Certbot. Perhaps there's an almost equally easy solution now that only uses node, but last time I checked (2018) it was messy.

In this article (https://medium.com/intrinsic/why-should-i-use-a-reverse-prox...) there's another good reason: by not making node manage the HTTPS certificates, no node library that I use (directly or indirectly through a dependency) can represent an attack surface regarding the certificates. But I must confess this is marginal compared to the ease of installation and maintenance that I already mentioned.

Another good reason is that once you start running multiple apps with different tech stacks, it's so much nicer to be able to take care of the config using the regular sites-enabled 'workflow'! I have a server that runs a node app, and a few Phoenix apps, and all I have to do on the nginx end is forward to the correct port (and of course set up https with LetsEncrypt is real easy too).

I always throw Nginx in front of Node so I can route statics to the filesystem (Don't serve js or CSS through NodeJS), plus it means I can run new NodeJS services and adjust the routing in Nginx to point to them.

Also Fail2Ban reads Nginx logs

I read architecture B as a single server scenario, the question was why use Node in that case instead of handling everything in nginx (if you are set on using nginx anyway) for a minimal setup. Of course the same can apply the other way around, but I gather Node is just not good at some of the things nginx is.

I think the pattern is

    Public Web -> Reverse Proxy -> Application Server
Rather than

    Public Web -> Nginx -> Node (In his example)
You could reasonably do

    Public Web -> Node reverse proxy -> Node Application Server
It doesn't really matter if the reverse proxy is Nginx or Node or something else, it's a good pattern to insert a lightweight service at the front which can redirect the requests upstream. If you need to scale by adding new boxes or services, this can now be your load balancer.

Your reverse proxy can also handle blocking dodgy requests (Fail2Ban) or act as a lightweight static file handler, leaving your application server to do the grunt work.

I don't think it is at all possible to use nginx to write application logic otherwise than serving static files and perhaps doing some URL transformations. node gives you a full programming language that's necessary for implementing an API.

It is absolutely possible, that is what the OpenResty stands for.

I stand corrected, you're right! I hadn't heard about OpenResty.

It's amazing that this exists, I would have never thought it possible (because of what I saw as inherent limits in what can be expressed in terms of nginx configuration), but now that I see it, of course it is :). From what I gather, custom code can be written as Lua scripts, and many of the modules are written in Lua themselves.

Thank you for sharing this!

As far as I remember Lua scripting is brought by the lua-ngx module, but it is also possible to use JS or the JVM (ngx-clojure) for location handler, or even write your own nginx module in C, nevertheless Lua is the first class citizen. I personally don't mind it, but obviously the ecosystem and the market for Lua is much smaller than JS. In fact, I'm only aware of itch.io that runs on OpenResty.

It looks like Lua is the main scripting language; which is a fine choice by me; the few times I worked on redis transaction scripting in Lua (since Lua is the language for doing that) the experience was very pleasant.

Are you building a project (or projects) on OpenResty?

+1, although the author does explain:

> [nginx's] main use is to provide HTTPS support

I've been using nginx purely for HTTPS stuff because I have been too lazy to learn how to do it with node. When working on little no-user-info sites that don't need SSL, I have cloudflare in front with no encryption to the origin (just an A record pointing at the IP of the server), and then just have a simple express app which proxies the requests on port 80 to apps on 3000, 3001, 3002, etc. based on the host header - makes me so happy compared to playing around with nginx config files.

Can anyone recommend resources related to CAP theorem decision making? I want to go further than I have for understanding tradeoffs.

Great article in general, but this is absolute gold:

"Before you rush to embrace the microservices paradigm, I offer you the following rule of thumb: if two pieces of information are dependent on each other, they should belong to a single server. In other words, the natural boundaries for a service should be the natural boundaries of its data."

I'm curious what's a good rule of thumb for "dependent on each other". A foreign-key relationship? That's... pretty much everything unless you have two completely separate business lines.

This is not an easy question to answer, but in my experience it pays off to ponder it carefully.

So far, the heuristic that seems to work better for me is to keep the overall surface of the app small and try to keep everything in a single app. Lately, however, I'm convinced that extracting parts of the code as separate services (in particular, for handling users, logs, and statistics) would make the overall structure simpler. Dissecting this a little bit, an external user service is equivalent to middleware, whereas logs and statistics are write-only, after-the-fact side effects (from the perspective of the app), so bidirectional interaction with them is not needed for the purposes of serving a particular request. What I try to avoid is to have a server route that involves (necessarily) asynchronous logic between services to check the consistency of an operation.

In terms of "business logic", I feel that whatever lies within a transactional boundary should be in the same service; i.e., if two users share a resource, both the information of who owns the resource and who can access the resource should be in the same service. But I suspect there might be a lot more of thinking to be done in this regard.

Thanks for the writeup - I feel like trying redis again just because it opens some interesting possibilities (yes yes could be done in SQL whatever).

Regarding "ulog" in your example application, do you keep those lists unbounded? Does this work well in practice?

I am consdering to move "ulogs" out of redis and into files because of the potential memory usage - perhaps a hybrid approach where only new logs are in redis would work best. I don't have a definitive solution yet. However, this would be a problem when handling tens of thousands of users or more, which makes it a problem I'd love to have!

I'm also considering letting users delete their own history of logins that are older than N days, since it's their data in the end, not mine.

My only feedback is to consider pure Debian stable rather than Ubuntu, particularly on the server side. Other than that, it sounds like a pretty decent way to get things done.

I'm curious as to the advantages of using Debian over Ubuntu on the server - is it considered generally more stable or better debugged? This is something I've never explored and am interested in your thoughts about it.

At some point in the future, I'd like to give OpenBSD a try.

Debian stable moves very slow, which makes it an excellent base OS for a server since predictability dictates that your app brings with it whatever that it needs to run.

For example, nodejs on debian would be outdated, which would force you to setup your app to use a specific version of nodejs that you want to use.

So, why not use KeyDB if you need even higher throughput? Supposedly it is supposed to get 5 times the performance.

Before your comment I didn't know about the existence of KeyDB, but now I do - thank you for that!

My main issue with scaling Redis is not performance or throughput, but doing it in a controlled, understandable manner which maintains consistency and ideally controlling what information goes on which node. In any case, it's great to find out about KeyDB. Thanks!

Thanks for the write up. I didn't know you could use Redis as a primary data store that is reliable enough to put in production. It has really made me curious into how to model outside of a SQL database. My next personal project I think I might try it with KeyDB free tier service (you can host your own, but I would just use the service since it is unlikely to gain steam and is more for having fun).

My mind wants to always normalize the data to the the extreme in a SQL database. So, it will an interesting exercise for myself!

Glad I could introduce you to KeyDB. It is a project I found in the Hacker Newsletter that I've been curious about for a while but I've been thinking SQL, SQL all the time that I never thought I would have a use case for it.

I added recently a bit more of detail in the document explaining when I would use redis (and when I wouldn't) to build production systems, here: https://github.com/fpereiro/backendlore#redis . For most applications, I think it's a viable alternative.

Modeling data with redis is great fun, and quite different to the relational paradigm. I hope you enjoy a lot your upcoming project!

Glad you were able to find something like that via Hacker Newsletter... always great to hear things like that. :)

Please enlighten me about why Redis is a good use case here.

Won't Redis cache eviction policy make it not a good use case to be a general purpose database, compared to, MongoDB?

I added a few more notes on when/why to use Redis and when to use something else: https://github.com/fpereiro/backendlore#redis . Redis can take you surprisingly far as a general purpose database. I prefer to use either Redis or a relational database, but I'm in no position to tell you that you should do that too, particularly if MongoDB works well for you.

Could you elaborate on why your first choice would be Redis? I tend to go for Postgres, but mostly out of habit and familiarity.

I love working with fundamental data structures (sets, lists, hashes) much more than working with relational databases. I feel I'm more productive and my code is shorter. It does, however, require far stricter validations in the code; in general a lot of what a relational database does for you (in terms of type validation, schemas and even data consistency), you must do yourself in code or by using redis carefully.

Redis has plenty of configuration, IIRC the cache eviction policy isn't the default configuration. By default it also writes to disk periodically to recover in case of crashes.

Isn't it said in the article that Redis can be replaced by anything else

> _redis can be replaced or complemented by another NoSQL database (such as MongoDB) or a relational database (such as Postgres). Throughout this section, where you see redis, feel free to replace it with the database you might want to use._

I like the openness here. It makes me nervous that the only db used is redis. I prefer a database that's backed by disk files, not one that's backed up occasionally. You get the performance of an in-memory database with redis though.

Redis is my favorite database, and it’s interesting to me how many people are afraid of it losing data.

It’s easy to use both RDB and AOF persistence methods if you want a degree of data safety comparable to what PostgreSQL can provide you. See https://redis.io/topics/persistence

and it’s interesting to me how many people are afraid of it losing data.

Its more about data integrity.

Using a relational database with a well-defined schema gives you guarantees about integrity of your data that a key-value store like Redis would never be able to give.

The author specifically mentions DB choice: "redis can be replaced or complemented by another NoSQL database (such as MongoDB) or a relational database (such as Postgres). Throughout this section, where you see redis, feel free to replace it with the database you might want to use."

Redis persists to the filesystem pretty regularly by default, and can be configured to do it much more often. For example, the recommended configuration for its AOF persistence mode is to fsync every second, but you can set it to fsync after every command if you don't want to risk losing even a single second of commands.

Lots more info here: https://redis.io/topics/persistence

One second is a significant gap for data loss.

Also please be aware that if you use AOF persistence, and need to restore a redis instance from an AOF file, you MUST have at least the same amount of RAM available as the AOF file is in size or you cannot restore, and you can even corrupt the AOF in that instance.

I work somewhere that previously (before I started) decided to use redis as a database for many applications and it has caused a lot of pain and the engineering department severely regrets it. I do still recommend it as a great cache/session store, especially if you outsource it to elasticache.

> One second is a significant gap for data loss.

Definitely agree. I would not, for example, create a financial transaction system that is not backed by an ACID database that persists to disk.

If you have time/interest, I'd love to know more about the problems encountered by your team when using redis. In my experience, the main problem is scaling it to multiple instances (because RAM grows linearly with use). If the team also encountered other reliability issues, it would be valuable knowledge to me and perhaps others.

Odds are, with the amount of RAM available, you get the performance of an in-memory database with Postgres too.

Good point. I'm drawn to redis not so much for its performance (which can be comparable to that of a relational database) - but rather for the expressive power of storing data in general purpose data structures (hashes, lists, sets) rather than in relational databases. That expressive power is what I miss when not working with redis.

Can't you do all this with Postgres? I like Redis but as pg brings up its support for schemaless blobs or quisi-schemaless json blobs I find it harder and harder to find a solid use case for Redis.

Redis still has an edge on use cases with auto-expiration.

I've never really tried, but it looks like lists and hashes could be implemented in Postgres through json blobs. That would still leave out sets and zsets, which I also find essential in most work I do with Redis.

Besides having all the data structures, I love just connecting to Redis without specifying a database name (there's just a database number, which defaults to 0), a database user, or needing to create a table or a schema. Redis is, so to speak, just there. Not saying this is better than Postgres objectively - I just like it more.

Some of your patterns on the example application are super interesting - now I'm wishing for a redis-like, disk-first managed database and there isn't one. Its mostly document-stores out there.

Glad you find them interesting!

As for a redis-like disk-first database, it would be amazing, but I don't know if it is really possible (unless performance was severely sacrificed). This could be an interesting area to explore.

A lot of good stuff here I'm gonna steal.

How about leveldb instead of redis to start? One less moving part, though then you might have to migrate to a networked db at some point.

abstract-blob-store might help with the s3/filesystem woes?

also, browserify --node or noderify for deployment?

Curious, why deal with updating Ubuntu instead of just using heroku?

I've generally found it quite capable of serving nose.js

I like dealing with the underlying OS - well, not precisely like, but rather the absence of an intermediate layer between the OS and me. Fortunately, dealing with the OS is very straightforward.

However, if Heroku works well for you, by all means use it! Your time is probably better spent working on your app instead of in the infrastructure. Things that work should only be reconsidered when they start to create real world problems - and the changes that you do in response to real challenges tends to be wiser and more lasting.

Nice write-up. However, I would strongly recommend to replace your text-based diagrams, which are difficult to read, with ones produced by relevant tools (e.g., draw.io or a wonderful Mermaid project: http://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid).

I prefer text diagrams to all that you have linked. I don't understand how it is harder to read? Plus the text diagram stays in git with version control and diffs..

Well, it seems that our opinions on legibility of visual artifacts differ. It is harder to read, a) because of coarseness of diagrams' elements and b) because of additional mental effort needed to comprehend such an artifact as a whole. This is, of course, somewhat subjective, but I hope that I'm not alone in my qualitative assessment. As for having diagrams in version control, 1) my suggested approaches also allow for that and 2) I think that diffs for text-based diagrams would pretty much not be readable and, thus, of little value.

Thank you for your suggestion! However, I'm a sucker for text diagrams (ever since I saw them in Jonesforth: https://github.com/nornagon/jonesforth/blob/master/jonesfort...), so I strongly prefer to leave them as they stand. Hopefully they're still clear enough and get the point across.

I was finding your code [1] very compact, reminded me of Forth or those old array languages. This comment kinda explains it :)

[1] https://github.com/altocodenl/acpic/blob/master/server.js

You are welcome! As the author, of course, you are free to do whatever you want with your content. I was just sharing my friendly suggestion, based on my experience and UX taste ... :-)

Couldn't disagree more. For simple boxes-and-arrows pictures like these, text-based diagrams are vastly superior to inlining an image.

It's really nice when you can type "less readme.md" in a shell and actually get something useful. Markdown was designed to be human-readable as plain text too.

I partially agree. However, the key word in your comment is "simple". While, obviously, it is subjective, in my opinion, presented diagrams are hardly very simple (though, they are not that complex either). Yes, they are readable, but only after spending some mental effort that could be directed to better causes. Perhaps, a use of Unicode-defined pseudographics would improve the readability.

> I would strongly recommend to replace your text-based diagrams, which are difficult to read,

plain text is hard to read? I've heard it all

Text is easy to read as plain text.

Diagrams not so much.

Exactly. I'm pleased to finally hear from someone with a similar UX taste. :-)

Using /tmp for a program's binary files as well as logs seems like a bad idea.

Great design, simple stable and scalable! no need for trendy gimmicks.

...why not use a managed db, eg. AWS RDS from the get-go?

It's actually a fine solution and I often do this with infrastructures that I don't intend to maintain myself. In general, however, I try to minimize complexity, and having an external service feels a tad more complex than running the database inside the instance. But you could probably make a successful case to the contrary - namely, that using a service rather than running your own is actually much simpler and easier to maintain.

I must confess that in this decision, the complexity of the AWS console (which I consider awash in buckets of accidental complexity) usually tilts my balance towards self-hosting.

AWS RDS requires a certain scale to make sense, it gets expensive fast, but the cost doesn't go up after the first bump.

If you don't need the features (updates, slaves etc) you can get away with just a normal DB in an EC2 instance.

Why not start with ELB from the beginning?

It's perfectly possible and probably won't add much complexity or significant cost. I have no experience, however, in configuring ELB with HTTPS - usually I just go with the known quantity of a local nginx.

Because it's easy to add later and you probably don't need it at the beginning.

Using ELB(yes, even for one machine) from the start means one less process to worry about, you get HTTPS and don't have to deal with certs, its also cheap.

Since he's striving for "simplicity" and already is in AWS.

I feel it is one more thing to worry about as I now have a dependency on something that I can't run locally nor control. It is also more expensive and locked in.

For someone with experience setting up nginx with https from letsencrypt is the same complexity as a hello world. Same thing for running redis yourself instead of adding a cloud provider.

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