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Intel kept in the dark over Nokia’s MeeGo plans; operators reject first device (techcrunch.com)
48 points by solipsist on Feb 12, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

> The problem, says our source, is in relation to the "flimsy" hardware keyboard mechanism, which fell short of operator standards.

It surprises me that operators would have such strict standards, given the junk I've seen them try to sell over the years. Maybe they are learning? I'd love to see other designs that have been rejected before hitting the market.

Given that this phone was supposed to be at the top of Nokia's product line (~$530), maybe the carriers have higher expectations.

So Intel chooses Linux for its mobile devices, and Microsoft takes revenge by poaching its mobile partner?

Doesn't surprise me. Intel consider the ARM as a gnat on their x86 empire. Sold off their ARM division to Marvell. They will reap what they sown. Smartphones are the new PC.

This makes me sad. Of course, if the thing really did have a keyboard that wasn't up to Nokia standards I wouldn't want it anyhow; a nice keyboard, for me, is the primary reason to go with nokia hardware.

The infuriating thing about this is that from the moment Nokia decided to "change directions", they had an incentive to see this project ... fail.

And that moment was sometime earlier than today.

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