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My point exactly, that makes it even more complicated.

You're really getting into semantics here. Yes, an internal team does NOT mean zero costs. I was just trying to make a point.

Want to discuss content? Make a comment about content, not the way something is worded

I asked you about content strategy vs tactics in another comment and you responded with “tomato tomat-o”. Not the most engaging of replies. It’s apparent this was click bait to begin with.

I don't think it's click bait. There is a lot of practical advice in the article and real examples of implementation. His "tomato" answer is a refusal to engage and be helpful, but the article itself is a very good roundup of marketing tactics. I am not affiliated with Apollo, but I do help startups with lead generation and can recognize quality content in an area I have expertise in.

I agree there is some useful content in the article however there is nothing original. The article is a compilation of marketing tactics that can be found when you search for "marketing tactics". It just feels like a lazy and thrown together attempt to push site traffic for them. Maybe I am being overly critical, if the HN community as a whole likes the post and content then great!

When you say something costs "(technically) zero because you have an internal team" I can assure you we are not on the same page. Based on this and your other replies I can only assume you made this post in hopes of generating more traffic to your site since you seem to have no interest in discussing the content.

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