Huh .. that'd be a fun post; see how many of these can be susceptible for climbing out of their web root. The author does list which ones support dir indexes.
Caddy is a one-liner. Plenty of the one-liners are suitable for production. There are so many solutions that you might as well use one, even in development, that doesn't have such glaring issues, because you're basically training your muscle memory to reach for it.
Edit: Didn't know there was an `eval` flag for Node, so that will do the job:
node --eval "var fs = require('fs'), http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { fs.readFile(__dirname + req.url, function (err,data) { if (err) { res.writeHead(404); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); return;}res.writeHead(200);res.end(data); });}).listen(8080);"