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Wages can't drop to zero unless there's an infinite supply of labor. As time has gone by fewer and fewer of the gig economy drivers I see speak English, and fewer of them are the person whose name/face is on the account, so I suspect the pseudo-infinite labor supply is working as intended.

There isn't infinite labor on a global scale but there sure is infinite labor willing to work for what first worlders consider a pittance. This basically highlights why I consider open borders immigration to be worse for everyone overall. The first world gets dragged down the societal ladder while the rest of the world is robbed of everyone with initiative plus the lost productivity they'd glean from uncompromised first world economies.

I’ve always wondered what was going on when the driver didn’t match the person listed in the app. Doesn’t seem like there would be any benefit? (For me it’s often a male driver who is displayed as female in the app)

The person doing the actual driving is likely in the country illegaly or driving with a suspended license/no insurance.

And then in the cyberpunk dystopian future, the illegals in turn build a nano-market by contracting to children, on top of their micro-market under the GrubHub level consumer market.

It's grey commerce all the way down!

i stopped using doordash when my 'drivers' started being 12 year olds on bikes

It's categories like illegal immigrants, DUIs or otherwise lost drivers license, can't pass the background check, etc.

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