I've worked on a similar topic during my Msc Thesis. It was an application to help evolve parameters of ant colonies using evolutionary computation to render non photorealistic artworks.
This is a similar topic to the first paper I worked on that got published! We built a system that allowed ants to do compass straightedge construction. Paper link is here: https://cs.gmu.edu/~sean/papers/alife16-geometers.pdf
The first one looks like pictures of my eye taken after my doctor scans it with a light (I suppose that's just an angiogram you mentioned later). Those rasters were my favorite, and I love the artful clarity of complexity you achieved. I came away appreciating emergence a bit more. Interesting how the complexity resisted the contrivance during attempts to press it into shapes! (subscribed to your newsletter)
There’s a lot of it happening, it just doesn’t get the most attention. If you’re in NYC there’s a great exhibition on now that includes generative art: https://sfpc.io/sevenyears/
Certainly - you can look at the source for the p5.js port here, which is basically a line-by-line port of the original processing3 simulation: https://github.com/oxling/p5js_ants
The other parts, the rasterization and vectorization, I haven't cleaned up to the point where the source isn't terribly embarrassing! One of the weird things about this project was the code became more of a means to an end than an artifact in itself, so it's littered with a lot of dead experiments, swear words, and so on.
I don't know anything about web hosting, but how come HN kills pages so quickly? This has 33 upvotes right now - even when I assume that translates into 1000times the clicks - 33k of anything don't seem that much to my naive assumptions. Is web hosting that hard?
Here's a sample of it running: https://vimeo.com/93903230
Here's the link to he project: https://cdv.dei.uc.pt/photogrowth-ant-painting/