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I don't think it's the same at all.

All I use on my Android phone is e-mail, maps, the browser, and general phone stuff - honestly, I would trade the entire app store for a little more reliability and a better touch screen.

That's why I bought an iPhone; even though I'll never buy a Macbook or other Apple products.

Being able to sync contacts / calendar back and forth to my Google Apps account is priceless.

The Windows Phone does this. It also integrates those contacts with the status updates, contact details and pictures from your Facebook, Hotmail, YMail & Exchange accounts

From everything I've read, WP7 is really good. However, I think that it's a huge fault of Microsoft that it just hasn't been marketed well. I've wanted to try one... I go to Best Buy, and all they have is one non-functional demo unit (the kind with just a picture of a screenshot). Can you ever imagine Apple launching an iPhone, and not having working versions of it in their store to try out?

I'm skeptical, but hopefully Nokia will give them enough exposure and allow people to actually get their hands on a WP7 phone.

Heh. I have a macbook pro.

Android does the gmail / google calendar sync fine. If there's one thing Android has never messed up, it's that. My Android phone messes enough stuff up often enough that I do wish I had an iPhone instead.

Works fine with android or WebOs too. What's the point?

Second sentence is unrelated to the first one; I was in a hurry.

My wife has an LG Optimus One (e.g. cheap Android). It's really nice for the price paid, but she has had problems with it.

I tried to say that the iPhone provides the best experience (out of the box at least), and if you want an Android, you should check out the ratings on that product because quality varies.

The fact that you and some others do not care about apps is irrelevant. Apps are clearly important to a large portion of the market.

Apps are clearly not important to another large portion of the market.

Just asking, but wouldn't the iPhone meet that need?

"a little more reliability" includes the network. So, until recently, no.

But, yes, I would love to own an iPhone on Verizon.

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