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Nokia and Microsoft Announce Plans for Mobile Partnership (microsoft.com)
77 points by andre3k1 on Feb 11, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

There's the Nokia version too: http://press.nokia.com/2011/02/11/nokia-outlines-new-strateg...

From the Nokia announcement, but not MS: Under the new strategy, MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project. MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year.

- MeeGo is already open-source

- "a product" sounds like "one single product" to my non-native english reading comprehension skill

As a ex-maemo user (N810) and someone that took a long, hard look at the N900 last time a new phone was due I'm sad. This is the sure death of that platform imo.

A Meego tablet might give some clue to Nokia having a plan for the future, other than taking billions from Microsoft as they attempt to buy their way into another market.

I wonder what this means for Qt, given that the Windows Phone of today runs its apps in a CLR/Silverlight sandbox.

No Qt on windows phones, although Nokia's site still says:


"Is Qt compatible with .NET?

Yes. You can use Qt to create .NET-compatible applications. For details on how to do this, please refer to Using Qt objects in Microsoft .NET in the documentation at http://qt.nokia.com/doc/activeqt.html.

Fixed link: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/activeqt.html

Apparently they integrate Qt with .NET via COM, which AFAIR is not available on Windows phones.

qt. laughes microsoft will send it toward the round file of patents. have you tried silverlight in linux? its meth. not good for your system.

How can Microsoft send a Nokia asset to the round file of patents? They didn't buy Nokia. Also, the performance of Moonlight says nothing about Windows Phone.

I still hope, that they will release n9 with meego this year. Nokia with Windows phone os doesn't sound right.

This announcement doesn't really come as surprise. IMO it will be success, if Microsoft opens it os to other frameworks.

edit: As we can see, it comes as a bad news to nokia really. Todays pre-mareket share value have droped already by ~8%.

What Nokia gains is a solid partner in the top end segment of the smartphone market - enterprise. The first casualty of the merger will likely be RIM. Android and iOS will suffer in the enterprise as well because of Microsoft's ability to offer better integration with its enterprise software.

Nokia has already gained several billion dollars in next generation mobile OS R&D, and need no longer worry about the uncertainty of the Java's future. In addition they are able to remove the high barrier to entry presented by C++ in order to attract new third party developers.

It was inevitable. Personally, I was hoping Nokia would go with Android.

I'm not sure how well this partnership is going to work, but it might take a while to get used to the idea of non-Symbian Nokia's.

A lot of views on this deal have Nokia selling the farm. I don't think so. I'll bet Nokia is paying $0 per license for this with unlimited access to source code etc etc. This is because MS has been flogging their new phone OS for almost a year with very little traction. The lynch pin of it all though is...how do the search proceeds get split?

Wow, disclaimer longer than the press-release. Which poor soul was forced to write such a thing...

haha the losers are partnering up. Nice move. This was visible from many years ago. Starting from details like how microsoft windows annoys you to install updates or creates pop ups and how slow your machine gets after a while. Also take Nokia's mediocre symbian GUI with no developer/hacker perspective whatsoever on their devices.

i hear the Borg pays really well..:)

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