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Yea, but I don't think it's accurate to describe it as "market influence being removed": the responsibility just shifts from the lender to the borrower (who is better-positioned to make the call, from an informational standpoint).

> specifically because 18 year old don’t make good decisions.

I'm sympathetic to this argument because there are _some_ 18 year olds making these huge decisions without any reasonable guidance, but for a big chunk of the population, we're talking about 18 y/os + their parents + their college counselors.

And I'm also not claiming it's black-and-white: people (even adults) do very stupid things all the time, so it may be rational to have insurance cos bear part of the responsibility for measuring risk of a given student trying for a given degree. But

1) Given the extremely asymmetric information, this is an extremely blunt instrument, which will lead to countless hot takes about seemingly-ludicrous-but-inevitable false positives and negatives where a student is charged an absurd rate for something that makes sense in his case

2) It's simply not accurate to claim, as GP comment did, that the market influence is being removed: it's just being shifted from insurance co to student+advisors (who again, is much more equipped from an informational perspective to make this call)

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