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> Applies to life too

That seems somehow wrong.

Part of deeply loving someone is really knowing them, and you can't really know someone if they don't share their deepest fears, frustrations, and angers with you.

And part of a life is, hopefully, deeply loving someone.

(Of course, the advice in the article still holds -- your investors and customers don't and shouldn't deeply love you.)

People who love you care, to a point. In the limit case if you abuse alcohol and can't get your act together, your line of credit with your loved ones will run out (with parents being the one exception)

People have definitely run out their line of credit with their parents.

> And part of a life is, hopefully, deeply loving someone.

Hopefully is the key word here. One may or may not find a partner in life that shares their aspirations. The only person you're guaranteed is yourself.

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