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I don't deny that you started from a disadvantage. And because our time is finite it strongly affects your ultimate probabilistic outcome. However those with the right mix of ability and character are able to better their lot, and the growth is potentially exponential, especially if maintained over generations.

Imagine how much better your lot as a poor person immediately becomes if you spend months or years saving for your first computer. Now you have internet access and somewhere to learn and maybe program. Just an example.

You did it, didn't you? So did my family, who came to the U.S. with nothing and is now comfortable upper middle class.

Wealth inequality alone is an inappropriate metric for social conditions when even your poor can afford smartphones.

Yes, but I would disagree with the idea that inequality is fine because the poor have a non zero chance to success with a lot more work then the rich, yes is great that cast systems are not a thing in most countries but because the current way is better then the horrible cast system is not enough.

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