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Luckily Digital Ocean and the Dokku project have pretty great documentation on their own. Here's the one-click image for DO: https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/dokku

I just looked up DO's guides for Dokku and it seems like they're redirecting to the deploy page... that's a shame, they were quite good. In case it's just a bug on my side, here's the link: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tags/dokku?type=tutor...

And Dokku's documentation, which is quite good as well: http://dokku.viewdocs.io/dokku/deployment/application-deploy...

For deploying, it works basically the same as Heroku except there's no GUI for it. Following Dokku's deploy guide top to bottom works perfectly. Look into Dokku plugins for things you might want/need (database support is a plugin, for example) and it uses a system called "herokuish" to allow Heroku buildpacks to work if you have weird stacks like React on Rails. Or you can bring your own Dockerfiles and avoid buildpacks altogether. Ultimately Dokku just manages Docker containers like a lightweight, single host Kubernetes.

Eventually I'm going to have to migrate to Kubernetes... Dokku's lack of built-in HA/DR/load balancing is its main drawback. But it's served me well for years with very minimal maintenance. I hardly ever even think about my infrastructure stack because it just gets out of the way. Which is incredible because it's so small and lightweight, built mostly with Bash scripts.

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