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Visual Subnet Calculator (davidc.net)
95 points by thisisastopsign on Jan 12, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Nicely done. Another alternative albeit without the calculator part, shamelessly self-promoting:


This is much more like what I was expecting when I read the title. Also seems to have fewer bugs :).

Hey, thanks for this tool :) It saved my bacon during my network security class.

For those of you who are looking for similar tool doing IPv6 subnets you might want to check out SubnetOnline.com ¹

¹ https://www.subnetonline.com/pages/subnet-calculators/ipv6-s...

Actually, neither this one nor cidr.xyz is fully compliant with the RFCs. Although I don't recommend it for pretty obvious reasons (and most routers probably won't handle it correctly, either), at least in the pre-CIDR RFCs, there is no requirement that subnet bits be contiguous. (I'm actually not sure if the CIDR RFC's address this - I don't keep up with this stuff anymore, and more recent RFC's my finally have discouraged these literally mindfcking netmasks...)

As for IPv6, yuck - it's the most brain-dead nomenclature ever written - if we'd tried* to make IP addresses as impossible to use and communicate as possible, this is wheat we'd do.

sudo apt install ipcalc


and even better...


There's also ipv6calc

Somewhat related but I feel really sad that IPv6 is so slow to be adopted.

IPv4 scarcity is going to increase centralization as it’s going to cost more than ever to even operate an AS.

It’s pretty much going to be impossible to run an AS as an individual too for the same reason as a /24, the smallest block that you can pretty much announce on the Internet already sells for 5k+.

"I feel really sad that IPv6 is so slow to be adopted."

IPv4 fixed addresses are a service, and their scarcity made them even more costly, so I don't see how IPv6 is becoming widely adopted anytime soon: it's conflict of interests plain and simple.

IPv6 is already over 1/3 of traffic in the US, due to cross 50% this year. There are holdouts like GCP where you have to pay for more v4 usage but v6 isn't available but really deployment is doing quite well compared to 5 years ago. Also do not expect Asia to try to hold onto v4. I.e. it's slow but it's not being sniffled for the vast majority of users.

At this point the main thing holding back IPv6 adoption is enterprises that don't want to deal with it and home users with routers that don't have v6 function by default.

We should simply adopt IPV6.1, where it's just IPV4 with moar bits and adoption will soar.

We can then think if we want some aspects of IPV6.0 also.

v6 is a perfectly fine protocol. It just lacked hardware and the pressure of actually being scarce on resources. I don't think anyone thought it would take 25 years to hit 50% adoption but now that we are getting close to that point it doesn't really make sense to swap again for something that's not supposed to solve any more problems.

It's a perfectly fine protocol for 25 years ago; juust before mobile devices with cellular data connections, on-the-fly connection switching, IoT, wifi, roaming, extenders, mesh networking. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20167686

I've used this one for years http://jodies.de/ipcalc this doesn't seem to offer anything further unless I'm missing something?

Some years ago I used this exact website to calculate non-overlap subnets when at work where I manage AWS VPCs for multiple projects. It's manual task when bootstraping a project, but it get done fast.

There's some overflow happening if you feed it and the like.

Hilarious things happen when you divide after getting NaN as the subnet mask as well.

Correction: "Visual IPv4 Subnet Calculator"

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