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Do-able today with GCP Billing

I thought GCP is alerts not capping?

The 'official' method is programmatically DIY!



>Warning: This example removes billing from your project, shutting down all resources.

this is the digital equivalent of literally pulling the plug. i wonder how long it takes for GCP to register that you've pulled billing though? in some cases i'm sure even milliseconds could make a large difference.

This is ridiculous. I'm guessing a huge revenue source is going after businesses for long-tail billing spikes.

Not only do I have to worry about bad code causing a huge bill, I also have to worry about the quality of code (or config) that emergency stops the billing.

I wonder if you can sign up with a pre-paid credit card and use a fake name.

Damn that's ugly.

I'm luckily still on Azure's MSDN tier...which is hardcapped to 150 bucks.

I wonder how friendly the UI is to accomplish that

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