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from the link:

> Once we have the SHA1 name of a file we can safely request this file from any server and don't need to bother with security.

> For example, if I request a file with SHA1 cf23df2207d99a74fbe169e3eaa035e623b65d94 from a server then I can check that the data I got back was correct by computing its SHA1 checksum.


that’s crazy! i’ve had the same thought myself, and wondered why no one had done something like that... i hope this becomes more and more common (though not using sha-1 ^^)

There is bunch of systems implementing things like this, commonly referred to as "content-addressable storage" as the address of the content is based on the content itself. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content-addressable_storage

that’s really cool, thanks for the link

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