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> If google gave a crap they would put a phone number to that email so you can talk to a human and resolve any issue

Do you know how insanely hard that would be to staff and manage such an operations for a global corporation? It had a 1 BILLION MAU back in 2015.

Somehow Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple all manage to maintain real human tech support at FAANG scale. Yet the online-first tech companies can't seem to achieve the same. I wonder why that is?

Your knowledge of Controls in conjunction with Operations needs readjustments. If you place a drastic control (e.g. a Bank with 20mil customers has 24/7 anti-fraud call center) such as a bank blocking your card, the bank makes sure that it won't cripple you and has someone that can talk to you 24/7. That costs. Banks make the decision to make this work, at a certain cost.

Apparently Google can disrupt the service, and leave you hanging.

Controls (block bank card, suspend Google account) are enforced with with a specific impact in mind and a specific mitigating factors.

I am not saying that "banks care". I am saying that banks give .... while Google doesn't.

Google One gets you 1 year of access to human support for a year so apparently not that hard. I'm sure many people would rather pay that amount just to get their ban reviewed rather than lose their existing email, chat, photos, files, and phone number. The 3 other ~1 trillion dollar tech companies all have customer support without issue.

I think once the account is banned, then you can't log into account to buy that Google One membership. You need to buy it before the ban.

I don't even know if you still use Google One support post account ban I was just pointing out Google is not only capable but they already operate a human support service at extremely low cost.

This is Google, Facebook et. all’s argument for not doing any content moderation, customer support, etc: “it’s hard”

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