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> You get what you deserve

Sure, let's blame the victims here; that's effective and helpful.

culpability isn't zero-sum, everyone can have some. some entities deserve a lot, others deserve just a teeny tiny little bit.

for purposes of keeping your data safe, your cloud provider is just one, single, copy of your data. all of their redundancies and backups and whatnot are for _their_ convenience, not yours, regardless of the marketing copy.

(they can decide to intentionally delete your data because they think you didn't pay. no amount of RAID and georedundant backups on their part will help you then.)

Oh god, the victims, really? You host your data on someone else's computer to save on costs and get rid of the burden of dealing with metal and stabbing yourself with screwdrivers , and you're the victim when they fuckup?

Give me a break... It's not like anyone died here. There's a reason I host my own shit. Problems happen, errors are made, and data is lost. It's also your responsibility to deal with data permanence, even if your provider has all the promises in the world.

Well yea that’s why you pay them, to do a job. That payment comes with certain expectations and when they aren’t met you incur cost. In this case downtown and effort and time to restore from your own backup. Victim may be a bit strong but of course it’s Gandi’s fault and not their customers’.

> You host your data on someone else's computer to save on costs and get rid of the burden of dealing with metal and stabbing yourself with screwdrivers , and you're the victim when they fuckup?

A company violates their agreement with you in a way that costs you time, money, and potentially business, and you're not the victim?

Exactly, its like you somehow give your original private keys to a cloud hosting provider or a service like Gandi, they have a problem and lose your mission critical data and you later blame them for their responsibility.

They are fools on their side for failing to preserve user data, but you end up being the bigger fool for trusting them to do this for you without preserving a backup plan yourself.

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