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That's fascinating. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

> I don't know the exact nature of your work - is this just doing generalized programming work, or do you specialize in something (e.g. setting up a Wordpress site)?

I have no idea. I'm just applying to every doable looking short job on Upwork posted a by client that doesn't scream sketchy or terrible to work with (eg they've hired more than five people and rated every one less than two, or they say they want to run deploy code to other people's computers remotely but will only give details over another channel).

By doable I mean looks like I'll only have to learn two or three new things. For example, I just finished figuring out how to make a basic Netlify cloud function that will take data from the Google Sheets API (two new things) but the next step, parsing the cells and plugging it into a template, is something I've done before.

I'm thinking of becoming a Shopify specialist because the dev experience seems so pleasant, but I wonder if I'd be better off learning something more unpleasant to work with because there might be less competition.

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