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Show HN: Set with Friends – A Real-Time multiplayer online card game (setwithfriends.com)
95 points by ekzhang on Jan 5, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 37 comments

This is great.

For spectate, perhaps room creators can tick "public" up front so casual spectators can just tap on a room from a list. I'd love to be able to quickly see the game in action when first discovering it.

Also, I've made a couple of Firebase apps myself, but my clients didn't want to make dashboards public. I'd like to know how much it costs you w.r.t. traffic. There have been some scare articles recently of Firebase costs being a bit more than you expected it to be.

Thanks for the suggestion! I've added it to my list of features for the next version.

I haven't paid anything for hosting or database costs yet, though I might hit a hosting downloads limit in a few days. Hopefully it's possible to migrate to a free third-party static web hosting provider, but otherwise, $25/month doesn't sound too bad for the fixed-pricing plan.

I made this same game a while ago with React too. https://sets.parkshade.com. :)

What was the biggest challenge you faced doing this project?

Open sourced the game ui and engine on GitHub as well. http://GitHub.com/mothepro/sets-game

Imagine having great memories playing card games with friends but then not being able to see them (due to being 3000 mi away). This is my attempt to bridge that gap, and I hope other people who like Set can also enjoy it :)

Also, I heard cool things about Firebase, and I was curious to see what it was like to build an app with it. It's been a great experience for me so far!

> [2020-01-05T15:10:39.909Z] @firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: The Firebase database 'setwithfriends' has reached its peak connections limit. If you are the Firebase owner, consider upgrading. (https://setwithfriends.firebaseio.com)

I'll have to come back later and give this a try - sounds neat from what I've read and seen here!

Thanks for letting me know! It should work now; I just upgraded from the free plan, which should increase the maximum simultaneous connections from 100 to 200k.

Great work - I got my visiting family to play this all together (about a total of 6 people, including myself) with the living room TV as a spectator for others not playing and we all had a lot of fun!

One suggestion, or option, what would you think about the Game Log being reversed?.. where the older logs are at the bottom and newer ones up-top, closer to the score? Could maybe be just a toggle/button?

Nonetheless, a lot of fun, great work again!

Got it, thanks - my wife and I have enjoyed going head to head!

Works great! I've never been a fan of the game Set myself, but enjoy seeing these projects that bring classic games online. I remember enjoying an online version of Puerto Rico, many years ago, that was something like a Java Applet app. Wish that still existed.

Side note, "With Friends" is a trademark owned by Zynga; I have no idea if they aggressively go after even personal projects, but just an FYI in case you didn't know.

Probably more important, "SET" is a registered trademark, and the game is copyrighted.

See here for a previous demand:


Can you copyright the game mechanics? I don’t see how eg words with friends could have ever existed if so.

You can't copyright a game mechanic, but you can copyright content. This is why Words With Friends has a different board layout, tile distribution, and tile point values from Scrabble.

In that Set C&D, the infringing implementation is using art assets from the copyrighted Set game. Presumably, a version with different colors/shapes/etc (and a different name, so as to also avoid trademark infringement) would be totally fine.

Nope but that one looks great. The one I played is http://www.phial.com/puerto-rico/ (which apparently still exists). Apparently, it's a Curl web applet.

Very well done! I was not familiar with this game before, and I somehow missed the "help" link, but within a few minutes I was able to understand the game and actually managed to finish a game shortly after. I'm a big fan of these casual games that have very simple interfaces.

Thanks! I'm glad I could share the fun of a new card game with you - and also that my help link was understandable :)

This is an awesome implementation and so much fun to play. Congrats an that. But I had a few times were two players picked the same set at the same time and both got that added to their points. Is that intended behaviour?

Game log is beautifully done, its an improvement from the real game itself. Good job!

Thanks for this, very handy. Could you add some visual differentiation between focused cards and selected cards? It's hard to tell when I've deselected a single card without tapping away to lose focus.

I have never played Set before but this looks like a dead state to me? https://i.imgur.com/saLCZKH.png

Top right, top centre, bottom right, I think.

You are right. I need to read the rules again I guess I checked the rules on wikipedia.

Edit: From wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(card_game)

> Three cards from a Set deck. These cards each have a unique number, symbol, shading, and color, and are thus a "set".

One clear purple squiggle, two solid purple squiggles, three shard purple squiggles

Love Set, the best thing about set is that you can even play alone just to get faster, but now even when I'm alone I can play with others online to keep that competitive rush going. Dope stuff

Either I'm an idiot or this is a bug: https://imgur.com/KjGvAlz

Sure enough, as soon as I post it I find it.

This is wonderful! On iOS the card clicking occasionally takes several attempts.

If this were a native app I’d certainly play with friends and family.

In a real game, if players can't find a set in the 12 cards, then dealer deals another row of 3. How does that work in your game?

After playing I've found it will automatically deal the next row of 3 without you having to do anything. That way there is always a possible set on the screen. Definitely a bit uncomfortable wondering if you are looking for a set that is not possible.

Sometimes no player finds a set. In that case in real life it often helps to rearrange the cards. Maybe this would be a good feature

The computer takes care of that automatically, and deals the extra 3 cards. It's covered in the help page. :)

Could you make the log a bit clearer? It's hard to tell solid fill vs partial fill. Great game, great work!

I'm making a trivia game using angular/ firebase, thanks for sharing your code, it will be great to look at!

It is very hard to play on mobile.

Might want to check out GroupIt!, a set-like game I recently released for Android, which works on both phones/tablets and supports portrait/landscape modes along with several other features.


I'm working on that! Have you tried rotating your phone to landscape mode? This is how it appears for me; I think it's quite playable. https://i.imgur.com/cNUxl2U.png

It's on my todo list to give portrait-mode mobile users a prompt to rotate their phones :)

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