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You don’t understand. $240K is not cool, $2M is cool. Good luck with hourly billing to get that kind of money. The only way to still doing what we love - software engineering (not some kind of managerial, leading, business role) is fixed price and re-selling already implemented stuff (same approach as lawyers).

Only reselling already implemented stuff is neither software engineering nor what I love.

$240k would be a highly respectable income pretty much anywhere in almost any field. In most of the world, doctors are paid less than that while routinely working night shifts and constantly making life and death decisions about their patients, and you’re seriously complaining about being paid $2k/day for fiddling about with stuff on a computer?

Dude, nobody cares. What ridiculous moralizing. "Fiddling with stuff on a computer?" Crabs-in-a-bucket comparisons to doctors? Whatevah. Get outta town.

No one pays you because they like your face. They pay you because you make them money.

No one works when they have rivers of cash flowing in their direction. You trade your time for their money: a slice of your life, in the most literal sense.

What is the value of your life?

Know your worth. Take every dollar. You will get precisely what you can negotiate, nothing more, nothing less.

Good luck making $2M as a solo consultant. In order to take on projects that big and maintain your customer pipeline you almost certainly have to build a team which is what I call creating an agency.

Which is often called starting an adult daycare.

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