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(This doesn’t answer your question but feels related)

I have ADHD and find it incredibly difficult to read books.

I’ll often “read” the same pages over and over several times without actually comprehending them because after a few pages I realize I was looking at the words but thinking about something else. I also have trouble remembering to (or having the motivation to?) come back to books I’ve previously started.

I like online content because it’s easy to skim or switch to something else and not feel bad about it. I imagine over time this has made my ADHD even worse, but I’m not sure how to break the habit.

The 3-4 ADHD self-help books sitting unread on my shelf certainly haven’t helped :)

As someone else with ADHD(-PI), I think part of the answer has to be removing the potentially distracting stimuli. Online content draws your attention much more easily than books will.

I’ve found that I often won’t get back to reading a book until I make a concerted effort to get away from my phone, computer, etc. Only when I’ve eliminated the more distracting options will I get back to reading. It’s hard to get started, but it’s invariably more satisfying after the fact.

Have you tried woodworking? Do a small project, let's say, a stool. Use only manual tools. Use a plane to square boards. Use only glued parts. You'll calm tf down, plane something for two hours straight... :) best man

I have a similar problem. Focus jumps. My solution is to just read one page. Everything is our lives today is adhd anyway. The news, the internet, tv etc...

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