* how did you settle on 10 seconds? Keeping two databases in sync is a complex process. I'd suggest that the difference between running 1x/min or 6x/min is negligible -- and if it's not then probably you need something more sophisticated than a simple cronjob.
* I am providing free software. You are not contracting with me to provide developer support, so in my book I'm under no obligation to be courteous and polite all the time. I try to be most of the time, but nobody is perfect. Luckily the source is available if you don't want to talk to me. That was my point and I'm surprised that is so triggering to some people.
Thanks for giving me advice on database syncing, but I think that you kinda missed the point.
It doesn't matter how I chose 10 seconds as a periodic task interval, problem was that to a simple question about feature support I got dismissive/borderline rude answer which made me lose confidence in Huey as a project and it's long-term maintainability. And it's not like I asked for something exotic, but a support for subminute periodic tasks which almost every other task queue has.
* how did you settle on 10 seconds? Keeping two databases in sync is a complex process. I'd suggest that the difference between running 1x/min or 6x/min is negligible -- and if it's not then probably you need something more sophisticated than a simple cronjob.
* I am providing free software. You are not contracting with me to provide developer support, so in my book I'm under no obligation to be courteous and polite all the time. I try to be most of the time, but nobody is perfect. Luckily the source is available if you don't want to talk to me. That was my point and I'm surprised that is so triggering to some people.
* Closing an issue is not deleting your thread.