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> it could be possible to provide people with source code, have them push one button, and get a working bitstream out (just the same as we simple browse to facebook.com and get a working app).


> packaging, manufacturability and yield

Using an FPGA solves those problems.

> signal integrity,

When we're talking about digital computing device design, rather than test instrument design or VHF+ RF design, there's a tradeoff curve between how much performance you get and how much risk you're taking on things like signal integrity, and, consequently, how much effort you need to devote to them.

> know the target FPGA

> timing/power/etc. budgets

> Power, clock speed

Similarly, those are optimizations. Facebook actually has a lot of trouble with power and speed, I think because they don't give a flip --- they aren't the ones who have to buy the new phones. They have trouble delivering messaging functionality on my 1.6GHz Atom that worked fine on a 12MHz 286 with 640K of RAM, so they have something like three orders of magnitude of deoptimization. (The 286 took a couple of seconds to decode a 640x350 GIF, as I recall, and Facebook is quite a bit faster than that at decoding and compositing JPEGs --- because that code is written in C and comes from libjpeg.)

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