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I use Todoist to log work for my company ChipBot.

I have a groups like feature requests and backlog for catch-all tasks. Then for deadlines I use "Mid January" or "End of January" and move tasks into them, based on a rough hour estimate. Story points doesn't matter because I'm not quantifying complexity across a team members. It's just me working on it.

I work on the tasks that have the highest priority, build locally, test them in a QA instance, and then ship them to prod. I usually run smoke tests in prod just to make sure I don't break something.

I used to use GitHub tickets and JIRA, but over time I needed organization that didn't cause a lot of busy work. For myself, Todoist (paid plan) works.

If I need to add members in the future, I'll go back to using GitHub (kanban, labels, milestones). Most likely my marketing team will need a Kanban before I add another developer.

Other notes:

Use tools that get objectives done and don't create micro tasks.

Finally, create tasks during off time like during lunch, while working out, or on a walk break. I generally plan 2-3 days in advance on the exact work I need to get done. Don't over work yourself.

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